Bonus Chapter - {World's Best Moms}

940 40 91

April 2nd

I've never been one to sleep peacefully in strange places and this hospital room is....strange.

There are constant beeping of machines, still a catheter in my arm attached to an IV line that I have to be mindful of. Doctors and nurses are constantly bustling about the hallway and in addition to that, I have a baby now.

I am a mother!

I can't sleep no matter how hard I try. He's constantly on my mind. Is he well? His he crying? His he cold? Warm? Purple? Still alive?

"Drea," I gently stirred to face her, reaching out to cup the side of her face. She was in her own hospital bed but it was joined with mine because she needed to be close to me. The soft lights that shone in from the hallway scattered across her face, forming lines. She looked peaceful but I knew she wasn't asleep. "Adre—"

"Hmm?" She didn't open her eyes and the finger idly resting on the bridge of her nose right at the corner of her eye, remained there.

"Maybe we should go get him." I pondered, my heart pounding with worry. "What if they give him to somebody else?"

Her eyes snapped open then, narrowing into immediate slits. "Then I'm going to burn this place down along with everyone in it, Julia!"

"Agreed! So, I think you should go get him."

She rolled out of bed in full protection mode, dragging on her shoes and then reaching for her phone that lay on the bedside table next to her. She checked the screen quickly, smiled at it then turned back to show me what had made her so happy. "The posse says congrats!"

I smiled too, a feeling of pride growing within my chest. "Tell everyone but Kylie I said thank you!"

"I'm telling everyone you said thank you."

"Do you. How many days leave did they approve for you?"

"Well, seeing that I haven't taken any leave all year, I still have all of my days. So, I'll be taking 8 weeks."

"Is it paid?"

"I don't really care," she said flatly. "I'm taking it."

"Okay. What time is it?"

"Three. You should really get some sleep."

"I need to see him,"

"And then you'll sleep? Because you need to sleep, Julia. Your ten-minute naps every three hours aren't going to cut it."

"Yes, I'll try to sleep. Now, can you maybe go? He's crying."

"That's not him," she quickly defended. "He doesn't sound like that. He's more soft pitch and squeaky than that." I stared at her baffled. She rolled her eyes and headed for the door. "Stop looking at me like that. You should be used to me by now."

"It's still weird when you randomly just know things. Like what your newborn son sounds like when he's crying all the way from the nursery."

"That's because he's my son, Julia, and you were just hatching him for me. I'll be back. Do you need anything? Water, anything?"

"Just Squishy."

With a curt nod, she was gone to get my squishy. I watched her until she was no longer in sight, and then, I began to watch the door until it opened again. My heart soared and I immediately pulled myself into a sitting position. I saw his bassinet first as she pushed it into the room then she followed closely behind, laughing at something someone from outside had said and issuing a grateful thank you before she closed the door again.

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