25. {I am captain}

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Warning// Sexual content ahead. I'm really sorry <3

The need to pee woke me from my sleep for the third time since I closed my eyes. This is just getting from bad to ridiculous. I found the toilet and sat down. The release was so incredible, I could have an orgasm this way. I washed my hands and got back beneath the covers, next to Drea. Her arms wrapped around me to pull me close.

"That's four times. Are you okay?"

I nodded as I settled against the pillows in her embrace. "I probably just drank too much shit yesterday, and the rain isn't helping. I'm fine."

"Hmm, k." She wrapped her arm tighter around me, snaking it under my shirt and seeking a boob. It fitted in her palm comfortably, but I flinched a little at the contact of my nipple with her skin. "Sensitive?"


"How bad?"

"Not bad. You can stay." I put my hand over hers, keeping her there. Still, her grip loosened until she wasn't touching my nipples anymore. She's so thoughtful.


I nodded with my eyes closed. "Better."

Sleep came immediately. When I woke up again, the day was light but it was raining. A gnawing hunger in the pit of my stomach threatened to commit me. I felt for Drea, but she wasn't in bed. Sitting up, I peeled back the sheets and headed for the bathroom. The toilet was the first thing I used, then I was brushing my teeth, washing my face, and leaving the room again. I grabbed my phone to check the time and almost fainted when it read 10:06.

I have a 10:30 flight!

I dialled Drea's phone as I threw things into my suitcase. It went straight to the voicemail. I felt like I could faint but instead of panicking, I just dialled Emilie. She picked up. Thank God.

"Morning. Why did nobody wake me?"

The other end of the line was silent for a while. "Uhm... because all flights in and out of South Florida are cancelled and Drea wanted us to let you sleep."

"Oh... Wait, why is my flight cancelled?"

"Come down and you'll see."

"Okay." I hung up and went downstairs, meeting everyone in the living area. Everyone except Drea. I frowned as I made my way to the fridge. "Where's Drea?"

They all pointed to the TV. I looked up at it and saw her on one side of the screen, wearing a yellow raincoat with a mic in her hand. She wasn't speaking, just listening to what DeAnna in the studio was asking her about the weather conditions in Miami.

"A lot of heavy rains," she said. "no hurricane force winds yet. Still, just tropical force winds up to 65mph. We are starting to see some wave action here along the coast of Miami Beach. We are expecting storm surge to be significant as this is a category 4 hurricane that we're dealing with and so far, Miami Beach is already seeing waves over 8 feet high. That is expected to double to about 14-16 feet as this thing makes landfall around 2 pm so we are urging citizens to take the necessary precautions to remain safe."

Fuck! "We're getting a storm?"


"Thank God we didn't bring the kids," Grace said with relief.

Emilie chuckled her agreement. "Thank God they had other shit to do, or they would've most likely been here."

"Imagine the chaos." Sierra joined.

Steph frowned. "I want my baby."

"I want my baby." Grace mocked, pulling the redhead into a hug. Steph just pouted but she allowed the brunette to hold her.

DREA (GxG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora