Secret revealed to Mia and Molly

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⬆⬆⬆-Picture of Oriane above. However, this is from Mia's POV. The official chapter will be posted on Friday.

January 19th, 2021

"Max, come on!" I shout from the living room. "Max!"

"I'm coming." He runs down the hall towards me carrying his backpack.

It's bright and early and even though the sun has risen hours ago, it brought no warmth with it. It's cold. The coldest it's been all season and I am not a fan. I'm shivering and I'm inside. Already, I can feel my bones clanking and teeth shattering when I step outside into the brutally cold air. Man, I hate winters.

Our coats sit on the rack by the front door. I grab Max's for him and help him into it before slipping into mine. It is a red double-breasted coat and while it is nice; it isn't near warm enough. At least for me. I slip it on anyway, peer the door open and lead us down the hall towards the elevator. The carpeted floors matted our footsteps. Our neighbours are sparse in the hallway. Most of them either to walk their dogs or collect mail. Poor dogs must be freezing. I say a soft good morning to them all.

"Mommy, at school we learn about the alphabet, and did you know there are twenty-six letters? And my name has in eleven letters. M. A. X. I. M. I. L. L. I. A. N."

"Wow! Good job, sweetie! Did you just spell that all by yourself?"

"Uh-huh. What's your name Mommy?"

"Amelia. Like grandma's."

"How do you spell that?"

"A. M. E. L. I. A."

"You have six letters." The cab comes and I lead him in before hitting the ground floor button. He continues his questions. "Why do you have the same name as grandma?"

"Because it's tradition. The first daughter will always get their mother's name."

"So," his little face looks thoughtful. An elderly guy rides with us and smiles at his expression. "Why don't I have your name?"

"Because you're my son. You're not a girl."

"But if I was your daughter, I would?"

"Yes." It would be so weird.

"Then, we would have three Amelias!" we reach the garage, and the doors open to let us out. The cold bites me, making me pull my jacket tighter around me. Fucking hell. "Mommy?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Are you going to have a daughter?"

"No baby. Mommy doesn't want any more children. I have you and you're all I need!" I give his nose a playful boop, and he responds with a joyous smile.

"You should have a daughter, so you can name her Amelia."

I almost gagged, but we reached the car so like the good adult I am, I deflected by opening his door for him. "Buckle yourself in, babe."

He gets in and mounts his booster seat. He's slightly bigger than the average four-year-old. He's taller, heavier and way smarter. But that could just be me showing my favouritism because he's my kid. I get in around the steering and my phone rings before I can pull the door shut. Through the chaos of my purse, I find it, pressing it to my ear and revving the car to life in the same movement. "Hello?"

The haunting beeps of the line as it goes dead ring in my ear. "Well, okay then." I lower the phone, dashing it into the bag again, but for whatever reason, this already cold and chilling day just got a lot chillier. I lock all the car doors, then I pull into the busy Saturday morning traffic.

DREA (GxG)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ