34. {Dag, Netherlands}

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I called work to inform them that I wasn't feeling well, so I wouldn't be coming into the office while Drea cleaned up the breakfast dishes and tidied the counters. I offered to help, but she just kept politely declining until I gave up and shrunk in my chair, murmuring.

"I don't like how everyone is making me feel fragile."

"You are fragile," she countered, finally approaching me. A glance around the kitchen let me know she was finished tidying up, making me pout even more. She leaned in to steal a kiss, a habit she had developed that unintentionally pulled a smile out of me. I reached up to grip the fabric of her shirt tightly, deepening the kiss. She didn't complain, just let me have my way with her until I was satisfied. When she pulled away again, her breath rushed heavily against my face. "At least for right now, you are fragile." She finished.

"I'm not glass." I tried to convince her. "I will not break."

"I'm not willing to test that theory." As soon as she said that, she scooped me up in her arms and began to carry me back to my room.

"I feel like you're having too much fun with this!"

"Of course I am. I get to pamper you as I please, spoil you as I desire. Who wouldn't love that?"

"Well, then, since we're on the topic of being pampered, I would love a massage. My back feels a bit stiff."

She pondered in silence about it for a minute before agreeing with a nod of her head.

She delivered me onto the bed before searching around in my bathroom for body oil. When she returned, she climbed onto the bed next to me. "Let me spread this towel out?"

"Yes," I agreed, getting up quickly. "Was about to ruin these sheets."

She just smiled, spread it out wide on the bed then urged me to lie down. "You said your back, right? Turn around." I began to shift onto my stomach when she shouted. "Wait! Wait... uhm... you're about to lay on my baby."

"He won't feel it." I defended. "He's squishy in there."

"But would it be comfortable for you?"

I chewed my lip and thought about it. I could no longer stomach sleep or even lounge like that. Squishy may be small but he's already not taking shit from anyone. Last night, when I attempted to stomach sleep, I was forced on my side. It felt as if he was pushing with all his tiny little might to say hey!! I'm here!

"Not comfortable at all. He's going to kick me off him."

Her gaze shot up to mine. "You can feel him move?"

"No. Sorry," I apologized sheepishly. "Grace said it'll probably take a few more weeks for me to feel him. I can just feel like this blob, if that makes sense. If I lay stomach down, it's just uncomfortable until I get off. I start getting nauseous, too."

"Oh. Yeah, don't do that."

I grabbed two pillows, positioning one at my thighs and the other just about my chest as I laid down, sparing her precious child. "Happy?"


She pushed my shirt up, and soon after, I felt the warm sensation of the body oil on my skin. My body shivered at the sensation, and I couldn't help humming in contentment. The aroma of the lavender fragrance wafts into the air around us. I allowed my eyes to close as her fingers went to work, massaging and caressing the stiffness in my muscles until they began to loosen. Despite her exhaustion, she didn't stop at my back, even though it's all I complained about. Instead, she moved to my legs, too, massaging each of them all the way to my pinky toes. Then she massaged my neck and shoulders.

DREA (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now