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I'm Hannah and it's a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for coming in and giving this a read.

This story has been in the works for most of my life, the main characters are something incredibly special to me and have been something that has been tied to my identity.
If you go onto any of my socials you can actually see these characters and how they've grown.

I do plan on expanding this beyond just this story and into other projects that me and my boyfriend have planned, but for now, this fic will have to do.

However, I feel confident in this being the finalized version of them and their adventures. It's not meant to be perfect by any means but it is meant to be a creative way for me to be myself.

Before going into the story I wanted to talk about about a few things. 

At the bottom of the forward will be credited to all the fandoms, AUs, and inspiration. It will constantly be updated as the story progresses. 

This story will never end. It's meant to change, grow, and go on for as long as I want it. 

I will take creative liberties with characters and worlds. It's gonna be weird and how I imagine them.

Remember endless universes mean endless possibilities so there will always be the possibility that how I imagine it could happen. Which is honestly a really fun prospect to play with.  

Also, this fic is very LGBTQ-friendly. 

I am non-binary, bisexual, and polyamorous. I do use she/her pronouns but that's mainly because I am female presenting most of the time. 
Polyamory will be in this story, I will date my favorite characters, ship my favorite characters and live my dreams. 

There will be spelling errors and grammatical mistakes, I apologize if that bugs you. 
If you want to help in areas like story flow, and correcting grammatical and spelling errors, you are welcome to send me a DM about it. I'm down to learn and expand my artistic skills. 

Beyond that! I do want to give a big thank you to the love of my life David for helping me with my medical situation and encouraging me to write this fic. He's been so supportive and has gone above and beyond to help me make art again. 

Having someone love me so unconditionally is really emotionally liberating because I've had to process a lot of shame I was conditioned into. My sense of attraction, my kinks, and even just my body and having to learn to love it despite it hurting me has been such a profound journey. 

Remember darlings we credit everyone in this household!

Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Creative liberties were taken and are not 100% reflective or accurate to the original.

Errortale/Error Sans
Error Sans belongs to loverofpiggies on Tumblr
Creative liberties were taken and are not 100% reflective or accurate to the original.
Design for FeatERROR is inspired but not directly correlated to loverofpiggies's work.

Ink sans
Ink Sans belongs to Comyet on Tumblr
Creative liberties were taken and are not 100% reflective or accurate to the original.

Horrortale/Horror Sans 
Horror Sans belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios on Deviantart
Horrortale is still an ongoing comic on Deviantart please go support the creator.
Creative liberties were taken and are not 100% reflective or accurate to the original.

Swap/Blueberry / Swap Papyrus/ UnderSwap
Swaps belongs to P0pc0rnPr1nce.
Creative liberties were taken and are not 100% reflective or accurate to the original.
All accounts associated with this AU have been deleted by the creator and the AU is now technically owned by the community. 

Though there is a fangame of UnderSwap currently in development called TS!Underswap.
It looks really cool and does its best to preserve the original concept presented by P0pc0rnPr1nce. A demo is available, so please check it out and help support the developers :D

DD/: TheENDtale (Undertale AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now