Chapter 51 - Happiness

Start from the beginning

Abhyuday gently pulled her to sit beside him.  He started, "Yesterday I was with the former King in his study chamber.  You know right".  To which she nodded and he continued, "He told me about the secret which my ancestors were protecting.  And that led to the revelation of your birth mother".  Kalindi was shocked and became blank for a second.  When Abhyuday was about to say more, she closed his mouth with her hands and said in a strained voice, "I don't want to know anything about her.  Please".  Abhyuday knew that she will feel vulnerable but he should inform her of this truth.  Kalindi calmed herself down and stood up from the bed to move out, when she heard him say, "Don't you want to know about your father also?".

That evidently stopped her movements and she turned back with a frown, still with the unshed tears in her eyes.  Abhyuday went near her and hugged her for a few moments and made her sit in the nearby couch and he too sat beside her, while his arms were wrapped around her.  In the same position, he narrated everything that his father had told him and pressed her hands time to time.  Once he finished, Kalindi sat in the same position without any movement.  He wiped the tears that flowed down her cheeks and asked, "I know you will wish to see them but right now, you can't go there especially with our child.  I will go there and bring them here for you". 

Kalindi shook her head and rested her head on his shoulder and then said, "I don't wish to see them.  And these tears are not that of longing but of relief that I'm not an illegitimate child.  And my birth didn't wreck a woman's life.  And I'm so happy right now.  Moreover I am really grateful for whoever have accepted me in their life till now.  My father, who took me in his house and gave me everything in his capability.  Also my brother, who made my birthdays special when everyone will try to point out my illegitimacy.  My mother, although strict in my upbringing and unable to love me as her own child, she did treat me like a princess should be.  I cannot thank enough for having such a family.  It doesn't mean that I hate my biological parents but I don't have any excitement to meet them and create a new relationship with them.  I'm satisfied with what I have got.  Infact I am happy that they decided to leave me her with you.  Otherwise I wouldn't have got the best husband here with me".

Kalindi looked up from his shoulder and kissed his cheek.  "Now leave all that aside, today is your first day of the court as the King, so we shouldn't be late", Kalindi told him with an encouraging smile.  Abhyuday stood up with her and said, "It should be me encouraging you.  Not the reverse".  Then both of them went towards the royal court hand in hand and Kalindi went up the balcony and sat on her seat overlooking the court below her.  And Abhyuday took the throne.  The first case was the Judgement on Kaushal, for rebelling against the King.  Abhyuday announced the judgement as lifetime imprisonment and banished him entirely from Royal family. 

Next, the former King Virendra requested for his daughter's marriage to happen immediately with Yuvraj Rudrasena.  He said, "Although the auspicious date fixed is still a month away, we can do the marriage simply in the temple.  It wouldn't matter whether it is auspicious day or not, if we do it in temple".  Abhyuday accepted his request and ordered for the wedding preparation.  Then Abhyuday removed all the old ministers from their position and appointed new people as his ministers.  The Commander took his own retirement and Parth was appointed in his father's position.   Bharat was appointed as his head guard responsible for the King's safety.  And Gopi appointed for the Queen's safety.  Laksh was given the responsibility of the secret army.

Under the reign of Abhyuday and Kalindi, the Kingdom prospered more.  Abhyuday created a separate court for Kalindi which is allocated specially for women.  This opened a new path for women to grow more.  Whenever women faced any problem, they approached their Queen without any hesitation and got their problems resolved.  After 2 months, the Royal family of Hridayapura came to Rakshatra to congratulate the couple as well as to complete the baby shower ceremony of Kalindi.  The ceremony was done in full grandeur to make up for the emergency coronation ceremony.  The former King was cured but his relationship was still the same with Abhyuday.  Kalindi spent a few days with her maternal family including her sister-in-law as her brother was in charge of the administration.  The King of Hridayapura invited them for the coronation ceremony of his son as well as the marriage of his second daughter, which will happen after Kalindi's delivery.

After a few months, Kalindi successfully delivered a healthy baby boy, the future heir of Rakshatra, who was later named as 'Agneya'.


Maharaj - King
Maharani - Queen
Yuvraj - Crown Prince
Yuvrani - Crown Princess
Rajkumar - Prince
Bhai - Brother
Bhabhi - sister-in-law
Vaidh ji - Doctor
Chacha - Father's younger brother
Shastrasala - Godown of weapons with practice arena
Gurudev - Teacher


Hi guys,

Hope you like the chapter.  I will try to update the Epilogue as soon as possible before Friday because I'm getting married on Friday, 27th October. 

I will not tag this story as supernatural as it is only a part of this.  But whatever the sequel of this story will be a supernatural one though.

Do vote and comment if you like the chapter.

Happy Dussehra/Navaratri everyone.


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