3. I agree to meet him/her!

Start from the beginning

"Honey we should reveal it to them now. She needs time to think about it.",Ma said to Papa who nodded in approval as well all sat in the living room. What are they talking about?

"Inaya, we want you to listen to us carefully ok?." Hmmm....sus.


"We both think it's time for you to get settled. We have someone in our mind. His and our family have been friends and we know their son. He's a good man."Ma said.

I...what? They want me to get married? But I haven't even thought about it. I just got my dream job. I just returned to my family. I just started feeling happy. Why do they want to send me away so soon? Am I being a burden on them already?

"Inaya say something beta.",Papa said looking at me with concerned eyes.

"I...I don't know",I almost whispered.

"It's fine Inaya, you have all your time to think. We just want you to meet him. Trust us once. We will never force you to do anything. You know that right?"Papa said as he came to me and wrapped him arms around me into a side hug.

"I know."

Breathe Inaya breath.
One thought at a time.
No rush.
You can deal with it.

"Ma can we talk about it tomorrow? I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"Sure sweety. We are meeting them on Saturday evening. You can take your time. And prepare for your first day at office tomorrow. We will look into rest of the things later."she said joining our hug.

Ishika who was still observing everything that just happened came out of her daze and joined out family hug.

"We love you Di"

"I know",I smiled. I love you too

Next day*

I came downstairs all prepared for my new day. My new job and new life. But one thing I know for sure is...this is gonna be a pretty long day.

"Honey please look into the file of Mrs. Batra,we need to schedule her surgery within the next week." Ma said while pouring juice into the glass for Ishika.

"Sure I will dear. We also have our monthly board meeting coming up to. Remember we have to put forward the suggestion for the neurology specific branch in Mumbai?",papa asked sipping his tea.

"Of course. I have discussed about it with the department and they are pretty hopeful. I hope it gets approved."

"Good morning everyone", I said gaining everyone's attention as I joined them for breakfast.

"Good morning ",they said in unison.

I picked up a toast from the plate and started spreading butter on it while everyone had their eyes on me. I know why.

Abhinash's POV

Isn't it strange? How our life turns in ways we never expect them to. As a neuro surgeon I understand it better than anyone. Then why am I unable to accept the fact that she isn't a part of my forever now? Someone said,"I'm not devasted about the lost past,I'm scared of the future without you." And I felt that.

Inaya/Abhinash's POV

"I'm ready to meet him/her." I finally said.

Inaya's POV

All of their eyes widened. They didn't expect me to agree so soon but honestly there is nothing much I can think about. Those dreams still knock at my door everytime I sleep. But I don't know who he is. I can't hold onto on a dream guy or a fictional man forever. I wish I could. But on the brighter side, there's no harm in meeting someone right? Maybe I will someday meet my Mr. Darcy too?

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