• fervent •

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The next few days unfolded quietly for Ren. She had been discharged from the infirmary, but her training was temporarily put on hold. Instead, she spent her time immersed in books, observing the cadets as they trained, or delving into the mysteries of titan biology with Hange as a way to compensate for her lack of physical training.

One afternoon, Ren found herself sitting next to Hange's desk, diligently organizing papers and notes. Hange, with mischief glimmering in her glasses, observed Ren in silence. She had noticed Levi's growing interest in Ren, sparking her curiosity and prompting her to dig for information. With a mischievous smile, Hange decided to skip the formalities. "So... I heard you've been spending some time with the Captain lately," she ventured, no preamble necessary.

Pausing in her movements, the papers in her hands, Ren looked up at Hange. They hadn't spent much time together, so their relationship remained formal, and Hange was keen on prying out any information she could get from Ren.

Ren remained guarded, still mindful of maintaining distance and formality with others, apart from Levi. She needed to steer clear of questions she couldn't answer. Like Hange's inquiry. "He drops by whenever he can," Ren replied, her gaze briefly dropping to the papers as she resumed her work. "It's kind of him," she concluded, trying to keep her response vague.

Unimpressed with the general response, Hange was determined to fan the flames of conversation. "Certainly seems like a captain checking on his cadet, bringing her meals and books to enjoy," Hange remarked, resting her cheek on her palm and smirking at Ren. Ren knew where this line of conversation was heading. She chose to ignore Hange's knowing gaze, focusing on filing the papers instead.

Hange's brow furrowed in frustration. "Ren, why do you keep yourself so guarded?" she probed, her tone tinged with concern. "You can loosen up a little. We're in the Corps, never knowing when death may come knocking. Might as well find some joy in life," she urged. Ren, finished with the papers, rose to her feet, clutching them in her hands as she shot a weary glance at Hange. "Unfortunately, Section Commander, I don't have the luxury of finding joy in life," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of resignation. With that, Ren made her way towards the shelves.

Unexpectedly, Hange moved closer, standing right in Ren's personal space, startling her. "Section Commander..." Ren began, a note of warning in her voice. "Why won't you tell me what's truly going on?" Hange's expression shifted, reflecting sadness. Ren sighed, feeling compelled to offer an explanation. "While this is personal, and I'm not obligated to reveal the details, there is nothing between me and the captain," Ren stated firmly, straightening her posture. Hange wore a look of confusion and disappointment simultaneously. "What a shame," she muttered as she retreated to her desk.

Ren stood there for a moment, contemplating the fact that her encounters with the captain had been discreet and seemingly unnoticed by others. Yet somehow, Hange had managed to detect the subtle undercurrents. Shaking off her thoughts, Ren regained her focus, taking a seat beside Hange to resume their work and studies.

Two weeks had passed since the special ops squad had embarked on their mission, leaving a void that still lingered within the headquarters.

As Ren made her way down the corridors of the headquarters, her mind preoccupied with her usual tasks, she suddenly caught sight of Captain Levi entering the premises. A jolt of anticipation shot through her, causing her steps to falter for just a moment.

Levi appeared disheveled, his survey corps cape billowing behind him, and his uniform bearing signs of a recent mission. His usually impeccable appearance was slightly askew, with a few strands of hair out of place and a smudge of dirt on his cheek. Despite the fatigue etched into his features, his stoic manner remained steadfast, as if nothing could penetrate his resolve.

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