• arrival •

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In the quiet hours before dawn, Ren sat alone in the dimly lit kitchen, the soft glow of a single candle casting flickering shadows on the walls. Savoring the warmth of her tea, she watched as the condensation formed delicate patterns on the glass windows. Suddenly, a sound broke the silence, and it was her grandmother emerging from the bedrooms.

Surprised yet smiling, her grandmother greeted Ren "Why are you up so early?". Ren, lost in her thoughts, deflected the question, "I just wanted to be ready before I left". The truth, however, was far from what she had shared. Sleep had eluded her that night as she informed her family about her departure, uncertain of when she would return. Her mother's tears were a painful reminder of the sacrifices she had to make.

As Ren's mind raced with the weight of her responsibilities, the anxiety of venturing to the island without any means of communication gnawed at her. She longed for the comfort of home, the reassurance of her family's presence, but she knew that her duty called her to the unknown. She had to do this, otherwise she would doom her family.

Ren carefully donned her uniform, each button serving as a reminder of her purpose. Her gaze shifted to the photograph of her father. Again, his face was emotionless. With a solemn salute, she silently conveyed her determination to make him proud.

Gathering her belongings, Ren stepped out, the weight of her duty settling upon her shoulders. Just outside, Judas awaited her, leaning casually against the wall. "Morning," he greeted, to which she offered a nod in return. "Ready to go?" he asked, their strides falling into sync. Ren's gaze met Judas', her eyes reflecting a mixture of apprehension and resolve. "I don't think anyone can truly be ready for this." As they walked along the pavement, Ren kicked at a few rocks, her frustration and worry manifesting in each swift motion.

Judas observed her with a gentle smile, his presence providing a sense of reassurance. "It's alright. We'll get through this together, and we'll do it as quickly as possible." With his unwavering support, they continued their way towards the docks.

The ship set sail early, eager to seize the day and reach Paradis before nightfall. Ren and Judas sat with an officer who droned on about the mission details. "Our informant has prepared an isolated cottage within the outer walls to stay discreet and undercover," the officer said, pointing to the cottage's location on the map. "You will stay there for a few a while as you organize a plan to head to the cadet corps and apply to enroll within the training program. It might take you a few months while you gather information and learn to blend in with these devils." Ignoring his last remark, Ren studied the map, noting the cottage's location. "Of course, you have to try to blend in and not flaunt your skills," the officer continued, his gaze fixed on them. "Once you are in, join the survey corps and watch them closely. Find out what they know about titans and what equipment they have." Ren straightened up, showing her determination. "Any information is crucial to us to prepare for the war," the officer emphasized. "Every six months, the informant will bring you reports from us and place them in a safe place within the cottage. You should have your report ready there to be picked up." Nodding in understanding, both soldiers confirmed their commitment to the mission. With no further questions, they excused themselves and left the room.

As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the island, they finally arrived. The air felt remarkably different from the polluted city of Marley. It was crisp and pure, carrying the invigorating scents of the ocean and the lush trees that surrounded them. Ren couldn't help but inhale deeply, savoring the refreshing aroma as she gracefully stepped off the boat and onto the sturdy wooden dock.

Accompanying them was Albert, a fellow soldier who hadn't attended the meeting but possessed a formidable power - he was the current Jaw Titan. His crucial role was to ensure their safe passage to the outer walls and assist them in crossing over to reach the cottage. They had strategically chosen to embark on their journey under the cover of night, taking advantage of the dormant state of the titans during this time. It also provided them with a discreet advantage, allowing them to climb the walls unnoticed.

With a swift transformation, Albert assumed his titan form, his massive frame towering above them. Ren and Judas climbed onto his back. The moonlight illuminated their path, casting eerie shadows across the landscape. With each step, they moved closer to their destination, their determination unwavering.

As the moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape, Ren and Judas finally arrived at the long-awaited cottage. Albert had bid them farewell at the towering wall, leaving them to navigate the darkness on their own. Ren's mind was consumed with anxious thoughts, her overthinking nature getting the best of her. Uncertainty loomed ahead, and she couldn't help but crave the comfort of knowing what lay in store. Yet, she maintained a calm facade, her inner turmoil hidden from view.

With cautious steps, they approached the cottage, guided only by the dim light of the stars. The door creaked open, revealing a neglected interior. Dust particles danced in the air, accompanied by a musty scent that clung to the space. Though in need of some tender care, the cottage exuded a cozy charm. It had been prepared with packaged food and essential amenities, providing them with a temporary haven as they settled into their new surroundings.

Judas turned his gaze towards Ren, observing her closely before softly inquiring, "You okay?" Her eyes remained fixed on the interior of the cottage, but she nodded in response. Finally, their eyes met, and she mustered a reassuring smile. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice steady. Dropping her belongings to the floor, Ren made her way further into the cottage. They spent some time cleaning, transforming the dusty space into a more welcoming environment. Eventually, hunger beckoned, and they settled down to enjoy a meal together.

Exhausted both mentally and physically, Ren dragged herself to the bedroom, collapsing onto the bed. The weight of the day's events had taken its toll. As she drifted into a much-needed slumber, a sense of tranquility washed over her she found solace in the knowledge that she could finally sleep in, free from the demands of Marley.

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