• resilience •

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It was a warm morning, the sun shining brightly in the clear blue sky. The army cadets stand in perfect formation, their beige uniforms neatly pressed, symbolizing their unity and discipline. The air is filled with a sense of anticipation as they await their well-deserved promotion. Their serious expressions reflect their dedication and commitment to their duties. You can almost feel the tension in the atmosphere as they stand tall, ready to showcase their skills and prove their worth. It's a powerful sight that captures the essence of their unwavering determination. A powerful sight that showcases their hard work and hopes for the bright future ahead.

To their misfortune, this is the Marleyan army. There is no bright future.

On the stage stood a young woman with dark brown hair, neatly combed into a bun, giving her a polished appearance. Her dark brown eyes fixated straight into the horizon. Standing under the scorching sun, her cheeks flush with a rosy warmth. She is dressed in the Marleyan army uniform, a beige jacket and a black belt, symbolizing her dedication and commitment. As her commander calls her name, she steps forward, raising her hand in a salute, while every breath burned her chest, revealing her internal struggle. A mix of conflicting thoughts about her new rank. She is an Eldian after all, no matter how far up the ladder she goes she will always be a slave to their selfish control.

The sun already dropped, hovering over the horizon. As she left the military base and walked back home, her heart felt heavy. She decided to have a few moments sitting by the river. Deep in thought, she found solace in the peaceful surroundings. The sound of approaching footsteps didn't make her turn, she knew it was him. It was Judas. Sensing her troubled state, he approached her with a gentle smile, "I thought I'd find you here." As he observed her reaction, he realized that she wasn't her usual self. "Congratulations on the promotion." he congratulated her, but her smile couldn't hide the sadness that weighed heavily on her heart.

Ren and Judas sat quietly by the serene lake, the peaceful atmosphere providing a momentary respite. Breaking the silence, Judas reached into his bag and handed Ren a gift—a bag of pebbled chocolates, her favorite. She accepted it with a grateful smile, but her troubled expression remained. "Thank you Judas" she said as she peaked inside the bag. Sensing her unease, Judas gently asked, "What's on your mind, Ren? You know I'm here for you." She took a deep breath, her voice tinged with nervousness."Going to Paradis Island, undercover... It's a dangerous mission. We're already living hell here." Judas nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I won't deny the risks, Ren, but remember, we're in this together. We'll take every precaution and rely on our training. You're not alone in this. As you said, we're living hell, what's the worse that could happen?"

Ren's head dropped as she fidgeted with her fingers. She finally let out a sigh and straightened her hands on her legs. "We'll figure it out together. But right now, I need to go home, mother is probably waiting for me." They stood up, bidding each other farewell with a single wave. She arrived at her home, greeted by the warm embrace of her little sister at the door. The house exuded a cozy atmosphere, filled with the aroma of a home-cooked dinner and the soft glow of candlelight. Though simple, it was a haven that surpassed the usual Eldian housing. Her grandmother stood by the stove, her smile radiating love as she greeted Ren. "How is mother?" Her grandmother faintly smiled and turned to the stove. "Your mother has been waiting for you all afternoon, my dear," her grandmother gently replied. Ren patted her sister's head, offering a reassuring smile, before making her way to her mother's room.

Ren knocked the door, before peeking in and respectfully seeking permission to enter. "Mother.. are you awake?" Her mother, though frail and sick, mustered a smile and attempted to sit up in bed. Concerned for her mother's well-being, Ren gently urged her to lie back down while she she sat by her side. Her mother reached a shaking hand towards her, Ren took it in both hands and clasped around it. As their hands intertwined, Ren's mother smiled. "I'm so proud of you. All your hard work is paying off." However, her mother's expression turned sorrowful as she dropped her gaze. "You've been shouldering so much responsibility for our family. It breaks my heart to see you working so hard without time for yourself." Ren squeezed her mother's hand, "It's alright mother.. I just want to make sure everyone is taken care of." Always putting her mother's well-being first, she refused to show any negative feelings. She didn't want to burden her already sick mother.

Ren gently rises from her place, a tender smile gracing her lips as she leans over to tuck her mother into bed. The soft glow of the bedside lamp casts a warm, comforting ambiance in the room. Her mother, clearly surprised by Ren's gesture, looks up at her with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Ren, aren't you going to have dinner?" her mother asks, her voice filled with genuine care. She shook her head gently. "I'm not hungry."
Ren's gaze softens as she reaches out to brush a strand of hair away from her mother's face. "Good night."

With a final loving smile, Ren quietly leaves the room, leaving her mother to rest peacefully. She enters her modest room, adorned with only the essentials - a simple wooden bed, a cabinet, and a dresser adorned with cherished belongings and a collection of books. Though humble, it is a sanctuary she cherishes, knowing that it surpasses the circumstances faced by many. Ren let out a weary sigh as she stepped into her room, shutting the door behind her. Leaning against the door, she took a moment to collect herself before making her way over to her desk. With a gentle motion, she removed her uniform jacket and carefully draped it over the back of the wooden chair.

She reflects on her position within the Marley army. Being exceptionally skilled, she is rewarded with bonuses and benefits that exceed what most Eldians receive. While joining the army wasn't her initial choice, she made the decision to secure a better life for her family, her heart aches for her sick mother, knowing that medical care in Marley can be financially burdensome. However, thanks to her position in the army, she is able to provide the necessary support and ensure her mother receives the care she needs.

Her eyes scanned the room, searching for the comforting presence of her family photo. Spotting it, she felt a pang of a heavy feeling sink in her heart. The flickering candle cast a soft, dancing light that seemed to caress the frame, illuminating her father's serious expression. She couldn't help but be drawn to the photo, her heart heavy with memories and emotions.

After a lingering gaze, Ren turned away from the photo, feeling the weight of her emotions settle upon her.
With a sense of weariness, she retrieved fresh clothes and a towel from her cabinet. After cleansing herself, she slipped into her soft nightgown, finding solace and comfort in its familiar embrace. Nestling into her bed, she pulled the warm blanket snugly around her, seeking a sense of security.

In the quiet of her room, she reached for the pebbled chocolates she had set aside earlier. Savoring each bite, a small smile graced her lips as the sweet indulgence brought a momentary happiness. Slowly, the weight of the day began to fade as she drifted into a peaceful slumber. The moments of bliss she experienced now were but fleeting respites, reminding her of the difficulties she would face and determination she would need in the upcoming months. She surrendered herself to the embrace of sleep. And as she slumbered, her mind whispered promises of a new adventure and the resilience that resided within her.

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