• gestures •

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With a determined purpose, Ren and Judas made their way to the cadet corps headquarters. As they entered the building, they approached the registration desk. The soldier sitting there, an imposing figure with a stern expression, eyed them skeptically. His gaze traveled from their faces down to their attire, his judgment evident in his scrutinizing gaze.

"Aren't you a little old to join the training?" the soldier remarked, his words edged with skepticism. Ren, who had already leaned forward to write her name, paused as she heard his comment. Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet his, a challenging fire burning within them. "Look around," Ren replied, her voice filled with unyielding determination. "You don't have much to choose from anyways." The soldier's face flushed with embarrassment, his retort caught in his throat. His comrades, trying to stifle their laughter, shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Ren resumed writing her name, the pen moving swiftly across the paper. With a deliberately forceful motion, she slightly slammed the pen down, her actions serving as a silent act of defiance. Judas, following suit, calmly signed his name, his composure contrasting Ren's simmering strength.

As Ren glanced around the room, her gaze fell upon a group of officers gathered around a nearby table. They exuded an air of authority, their ranks apparent by the distinctive badges adorning their uniforms. She could feel the weight of their presence, their conversations laced with importance.

And then, her eyes locked with Levi's intense gaze. In that brief moment, a sense of familiarity and intrigue seemed to pass between them. But just as quickly as their eyes met, Levi turned away, summoned by another officer's voice. Ren's heart skipped a beat, the connection leaving a lingering imprint on her mind.

With their registration complete, Ren and Judas decided to leave the headquarters. They stepped out into the open air, the weight of their mission pressing upon their shoulders. As they walked away, Ren couldn't shake the electrifying encounter with Levi, his mere presence stirring something deep within her.

They were informed that within a month's time they had to report to the headquarters again for recruitment and the start of training. Upon hearing this news, Ren and Judas had to inform their employers that they would no longer be working by the time their training began. Martha was saddened to hear that Ren would be leaving, expressing her belief that training was meant solely for men. Ren reassured her, "I promise I'll visit whenever I can." With a gentle smile, she wiped the countertop and said, "I'm just glad I still have you for a couple of weeks before you go."

Some time later, as a gesture of gratitude towards Martha's kindness and hospitality during her time at the shop, Ren decided to deep clean the premises. She stood on a high ladder, wiping the top shelves and rearranging boxes and tins. Amid her cleaning efforts, Ren didn't immediately turn when she heard the familiar jingle of the shop's bell, but the distinct scent that followed caught her attention. It was the familiar smell of freshly washed linen and crisp air. It was him.

Levi's footsteps were light as he made his way to the cashier counter where Martha stood. Martha turned around and greeted him with a smile. "Good day, Captain! How have you been?" she asked. Levi greeted her back, saying, "I just came back from the recruitment rounds. I passed by Sina for a mission, and these were quite popular there. I thought you might like them." He placed a box on the counter in front of Martha, who slid it her way, eagerly opening it. Inside, an assortment of biscuits emitted a fresh, buttery smell. "Why, thank you, Captain! That's so kind of you," Martha exclaimed, delighted with his gift.

Meanwhile, Ren's cleaning efforts came to a halt as she noticed Captain Levi's presence while still perched upon the ladder. Her gaze locked with his, and she instinctively braced herself on the stairs, conscious of not revealing any sudden movement or reaction. Levi, dressed in a formal shirt adorned with a cravat, dark pants, and a matching jacket, was not donning his usual Survey Corps uniform. The dark hues of his attire complemented his stormy gray eyes, intensifying their captivating effect.

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