• captain •

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The dim light of dawn began to creep across the horizon, casting a soft glow on the quiet headquarters. The sky was a gradient of dark hues, shrouded in fog and mist. The air held a slight chill, causing Ren to shiver as she awoke from her slumber. Exhausted from the previous day, she had fallen into bed without changing or eating the bread and apple Judas had given her.

The curling pain of hunger gripped her stomach, and she knew she needed to eat. Determined to wash up and find sustenance, she seized the opportunity of the early morning silence. With the other cadets still asleep, she hurried towards the bath, hoping to find it empty.

After washing up and drying off, Ren slipped into her uniform shirt and pants. She left her hair to dry naturally, cascading in loose waves around her shoulders. As she made her way to the hall, a sense of tranquility enveloped her. The only sounds were the distant chirping of birds and the echo of her footsteps on the pavement.

Approaching the hall's kitchenette, Ren's eyes widened in surprise. A kettle sat on the fire, still lukewarm, indicating it had been recently used. As she turned, she caught sight of the familiar gray eyes that mirrored the fog clinging to the windows. The captain himself stood there, seemingly just as surprised to find someone else awake at this early hour.

Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. Levi's praise from the previous day had etched a trace of familiarity, making Ren more willing to let go of her plan to avoid the captain. Perhaps, she thought, it was time to embrace genuine friendliness instead of mere acting. The hall remained hushed, as if holding its breath, but her mind buzzed with a flurry of thoughts.

"Captain," Ren managed to say in a low voice, her tone betraying a mix of surprise and uncertainty. She needed to convince herself that she was truly seeing him standing there.

"Morning, cadet," Levi replied calmly, his monotone voice resonating through the stillness. He approached, his eyes fixed on her. The proximity between them seemed to intensify, and their scents mingled in the air. They both caught a whiff of something intriguing, causing them to pause briefly and exchange glances.

Ren's senses were overwhelmed by the captivating scent that accompanied Captain Levi. In that moment, memories of their first encounter flooded her mind. The tea shop, with its amalgamation of various aromas, couldn't mask the distinctiveness of Levi's scent. A mixture of subtle musk and clean linen. Amidst the sterile surroundings of the headquarters, his scent stood out, evoking a sense of familiarity and awakening emotions she hadn't explored before.

For Levi, it was the first time he consciously registered the unique fragrance that emanated from Ren. The aroma enveloped him, delicate and intoxicating, like a fresh breeze carrying the gentle fragrance of blooming flowers. He hadn't paid much attention to scents before. But now, Ren's presence captivated him, and he found himself drawn to the subtle essence of rose water that enveloped her. It stirred something within him, leaving a trace of curiosity and an inexplicable desire for further exploration.

Levi, unaware of the effect his scent had on Ren, and vice versa, moved the conversation forward. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked, his voice revealing a hint of weariness. The absence of an immediate reply caused him to glance towards her. Ren, awoken from her trance by his gaze, cleared her throat and straightened up.

"I just woke up, sir," Ren replied, her voice steady. Levi's attention shifted back to the kettle, and Ren contemplated whether to engage in conversation or retreat to her room and return later, the familiar doubt swirling in her mind.

Frustrated by the constant internal battle within her, Ren chose to overcome her hesitations. "What about you?" She asked. "Captain." she added suddenly, remembering to add the proper honorific this time. The silence lingered, and doubt crept into Ren's thoughts, wondering if perhaps she should have followed her own advice to withdraw.

"I slept for an hour," Levi finally broke the stillness, his monotone voice shattering the silence. "Couldn't go back to sleep," he added, wiping a porcelain cup he had prepared. Next to it, a familiar tin caught Ren's eye - the same one he had purchased from the tea shop. Ren observed him from the side, weariness evident in the lines etched upon his face. The training and mission from the previous day had taken its toll, leaving him with little rest.

Driven by empathy and appreciation, Ren moved closer, maintaining a respectful distance. "Captain, may I?" she asked gently, motioning towards the stove. Levi turned to her, and she could sense his surprise at her offer.

"Sure," Levi replied, allowing her to take charge. "If you'd like, you can wait in your office. I'll bring it to you once it's ready." Ren suggested, her voice filled with a genuine concern for his well-being.

Levi contemplated the gesture for a moment, his analytical gaze studying her. Ultimately, he decided against negotiation and simply nodded in agreement. Silently, he made his way towards his office, while Ren busied herself with preparing the tea.

Levi's eyes fixated on the ticking clock, its hands moving at a maddeningly slow pace. He couldn't help but wonder why it was taking Ren so long to prepare a simple cup of tea. During his previous visit to the tea shop, she had managed to whip up the beverage in just a few minutes. The anticipation of his hot drink grew alongside his curiosity.

Suddenly, a faint knock reverberated through the room, signaling Ren's arrival. Levi assumed she had a tray in her hands and swiftly made his way to the door, ready to assist her. Opening it, he found himself taken aback by a sight that surpassed his expectations. Instead of just a cup of tea, Ren had prepared a full breakfast, sitting delicately on the tray before her. A gentle smile graced her lips as she asked, "May I come in?"

Levi nodded, captivated by the surprise she had brought with her. His outstretched hand eagerly reached out to take the tray from her. The weight of the offering settled in his hands as he felt gratitude wash over him, his curiosity growing.

As Levi carefully placed the tray on his desk, his eyes roamed over the spread before him, studying each item with keen interest. Ren stood before him, her hands clasped behind her back, patiently awaiting his response. In that moment, Levi lifted his gaze to meet hers. Her arms relaxed at her sides, and a gentle smile graced her face as she spoke, "Please consider this as an expression of gratitude for your dedication and hard work... You hardly have time to eat a proper meal."

Levi found himself moved by her thoughtfulness. The sincerity in her words resonated within him, deepening his appreciation for her. As Ren turned to leave, he briefly hesitated, his lips parting as if to address her casually by name. "R-" But a surge of tension shot through him, reminding him of their respective roles and the boundaries that existed. Clearing his throat, he spoke with restraint, "Cadet Ren."

Her movement halted, one hand resting on the door handle, as she turned to face him, anticipation etched in her eyes. Levi's voice carried a mix of vulnerability and invitation, hidden beneath his composed demeanor. "Will you join me?" He glanced down, his fists tightening on his knees under the table, hidden from view. "You took the time to prepare all of this, and it's more than I can handle alone."

Ren's lips parted in surprise, a moment of hesitation lingering before she gracefully closed her mouth, forming a warm smile. "Sure," she replied, embracing the invitation. With a touch of formality, she added, "Captain."

As Levi watched Ren's warm smile in response to his invitation, a subtle sense of relief washed over him, causing him to relax his tightly clenched fists beneath the table. The tension that had gripped him moments ago transformed into a soft sigh of contentment. In that brief exchange, with breakfast awaiting them on the desk and the promise of shared company, Levi felt a glimmer of something special— a connection that went beyond the bounds of duty and titles.

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