• feelings •

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The next day, Ren found herself tossing and turning in bed, her sleep disturbed by a haunting nightmare. As the sun's rays filtered through the curtains, she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut tightly to shield them from the intrusive light. Her head throbbed with a relentless pain, weighing heavily upon her shoulders. For a fleeting moment, she felt disoriented, as if grappling with her own identity and the surroundings of the unfamiliar room.

Seeking solace from the glaring brightness, Ren covered her eyes with her hands, attempting to sit up straight. The pulsating ache in her head persisted, its persistent presence pushing into her thoughts. Just as confusion threatened to overwhelm her, the door swung open, and a nurse entered the room, clutching a chart in her arms. A bright smile graced the nurse's face as she greeted Ren.

"Oh, good! You're awake," the nurse exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight. "I'll inform the captain. He has been waiting since last night. But first, let's get you cleaned up and have something to eat. I'll be back in a minute."

Questions swirled in Ren's mind as she tried to piece together the fragments of information she had been given. Who was the captain? Why had he been waiting? What happened? The surge of pain reverberated through her head once again, causing her to wince and clutch onto her throbbing temples. Slowly, the memories trickled back, and she recollected the events leading up to her fall, though everything beyond that was a chaotic blur.

As the intensity of the pain began to subside, Ren let out a deep sigh, allowing her head to rest against the soft headboard. Frustration welled within her, prompting her to ponder why things always seemed to be so difficult, why smooth endeavors were an elusive reality. Her thoughts were interrupted by the return of the nurse, carrying a fresh set of clothes and towels and a pouch. "I have some items here for you, kindly brought by a friend of yours. If I recall correctly, his name is Judas," the nurse said kindly, offering the belongings to Ren. The mention that Judas had brought her belongings earlier brought a sense of immediate comfort to Ren. She made a mental note to express her gratitude to him later.

With the nurse's assistance, Ren cleaned herself up, the cool water and gentle touch easing her discomfort. As the nurse tended to her wounds, wrapping her head in clean gauze and applying bandages, Ren felt a renewed sense of freshness and relief. Settling back onto the bed, she glanced up as the nurse spoke once more.

"I will go fetch you some food. Please rest while you wait," the nurse instructed kindly, heading towards the door. But before she could reach it, another nurse appeared, gently opening it to make way for Captain Levi. He entered Ren's room, a tray of food and a steaming pot of tea in his hands.

Ren's eyes widened at the sight of him, a mix of surprise and curiosity entering her gaze. His presence emanated a stoic aura, despite the subtle flicker of concern in his piercing gaze.

As Levi entered the room with the tray, a faint blush tinted the nurse's cheeks in response to Levi's thoughtful gesture towards Ren. She quickly covered her parted lips with her hand, her eyes briefly peeking back at the scene before she closed the door, leaving them in relative privacy.

Levi carefully placed the tray on the bed and pulled up a chair, sitting down with his hands resting calmly in his lap. His gaze remained focused downward, his brows furrowed as he gathered his thoughts. Ren watched him with a mix of surprise and gratitude, her eyes flickering between Levi and the tray before her.

Levi's fists involuntarily clenched, the grip betraying his inner turmoil, until he finally looked up, meeting Ren's gaze. A frown etched across his face as he spoke with a tinge of remorse. "I promised you I would be there. I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough." As Levi took in Ren's new appearance, her bruised face, cut lip, and unevenly distributed hair, a pang of guilt coursed through him. If only he had reached her a minute sooner.

• s o l a c e •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora