• cadet •

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As the sun shone brightly in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the training grounds, a group of new cadets stood in straight, orderly lines. The atmosphere crackled with nervous energy, evident in the way they shifted on their feet and exchanged anxious glances. This was their first day of training in the esteemed Cadet Corps, and the weight of their future responsibilities lay heavily upon their shoulders.

At the front of the formation, Commander Shadis bellowed out his introduction, his voice booming across the training grounds. His disciplined presence commanded attention as he outlined the rigorous journey that awaited them. "You maggots think you can make it in the ranks of the Cadet Corps? You better be prepared to give it your all! This isn't a game for the weak!"

The new cadets stood tall, their hands firmly clasped behind their backs, gazes fixed forward. Ren and Judas, having endured the harsh training in Marley, were mentally prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. Their eyes, though filled with nerves, flickered with determination as they absorbed every word.

Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, and Hange, accompanied by other high-ranking officers, observed from a distance, their keen eyes scanning the sea of fresh faces. The sun glinted off their badges of authority, adding to the aura of command that surrounded them. Their presence instilled a mix of awe and excitement in the new cadets, knowing that they would be guided by some of the most respected figures within the Corps.

Ren's heart raced as she felt the weight of their gaze upon her. She reminded herself to stay focused, to prove herself worthy of their attention and trust for her mission to succeed. The sun's warmth on her skin provided a comforting contrast to the nerves bubbling within her. She noticed Judas standing beside her, his expression determined and unwavering. A silent solidarity passed between them, the shared understanding that they had come too far to falter now.

Commander Shadis continued his passionate speech, his words resonating in the air. "This is not an ordinary training. You will face trials that will push you to your limits, physically and mentally. But remember, it is through struggle and perseverance that greatness is forged. You have the potential to become exceptional soldiers, protectors of humanity."

The atmosphere was laced with a mixture of determination, trepidation, and anticipation. The cadets exchanged glances, each silently acknowledging the challenges that awaited them. The sunny day seemed to mirror the glimmer of hope and endless possibilities that lay ahead. It was as if the rays of sunlight embraced them, encouraging them to embrace the path they had chosen.

As Commander Shadis carried on with his introduction, the cadets listened intently, their nerves momentarily forgotten. The sound of Shadis's voice echoed across the training grounds, mingling with the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. It was a reminder that they were not alone in their journey, that the guidance and expertise offered by these skilled officers would shape them into formidable soldiers.

The cadets gathered in the designated area, awaiting Commander Shadis' next instructions. With a shared understanding, Ren and Judas sought to present an unassuming demeanor to their fellow cadets. They maintained a cool and collected presence, masking the true extent of their combat abilities. They knew that revealing their full potential at this stage could lead to unnecessary scrutiny and potentially ostracize them from their peers.

As the training commenced, Ren took each opponent with calculated precision, carefully maneuvering and responding to their movements. She showcased adept footwork, quick reflexes, and a deep understanding of hand-to-hand combat techniques. With each opponent, she tactfully subdued them without causing significant harm, displaying control and skill.

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