• distraction •

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Ren walked into the barracks, the weight of her emotions still lingering in her every step. She entered her assigned corner of the room and settled on the edge of her bed, her mind consumed by self-doubt and frustration. She rested her elbows on her knees, burying her face in her palms.

A wave of intense disappointment washed over her, as she berated herself for allowing a small gesture, like a box of biscuits, to affect her so deeply. She chastised her own perceived weakness, feeling foolish for losing control in such a way. Ren prided herself on her strength and determination, and this encounter with Levi had exposed a vulnerability she was unaccustomed to facing.

In that moment of reflection, Ren grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she felt frustrated by her own reaction, questioning why something seemingly insignificant had shaken her so profoundly. On the other hand, an unfamiliar longing tugged at her heart, a yearning for connection and understanding that she couldn't ignore.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, the silence of the barracks was abruptly shattered by the sound of the door swinging open. Ren's attention snapped up, and she quickly composed herself.

A group of girls entered the barracks, chatting and laughing as they prepared for the next meal. Their presence provided a sharp interruption to Ren's introspection, reminding her of the bustling world beyond her own thoughts.

She looked down, regaining her composure and pushing aside her emotional turmoil for the time being. It was a reminder that life continued to move forward, regardless of her inner struggles. Taking a deep breath, Ren rose from her bed, ready to join the others in getting ready for the upcoming meal.

Ren made her way to the bustling hall where the cadets gathered to have their meals. She joined the line of fellow trainees, picking up a tray like everyone else. The meals consisted of a simple bowl of soup, a piece of bread, and a cup of water.

As she found a table in the corner, Ren couldn't help but notice the whispers and curious glances directed her way. The events that had unfolded earlier were still fresh in everyone's minds, and the other cadets were clearly stunned by what had transpired.

She sat down, her gaze focused on her soup, absentmindedly stirring it. Lost in her thoughts, Ren felt a mix of vulnerability and isolation, trying her best to ignore the silent judgments around her.

However, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a familiar figure sliding into the seat opposite her. It was Judas, a friend who knew her well enough to understand that she needed peace and quiet in that moment. His sincere smile offered her reassurance, a silent gesture of support.

Ren looked up and met Judas' understanding gaze. Appreciating his sensitivity, she felt a glimmer of relief knowing that he was there with her. They shared a connection that didn't require words, and she found peace in his presence.

Judas, mindful of Ren's need for space, dropped his gaze to his own meal, respecting her desire for quietude. He began to eat, allowing her to have her own thoughts uninterrupted. The simple act of his presence brought her a sense of comfort, a reminder that she wasn't alone in navigating her emotions.

Ren sighed softly, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders as she continued to stir her soup. His decision not to bring up the events that had unfolded earlier showed his sensitivity and empathy, providing her with a much-needed respite.

After finishing their meal, Judas mustered up the courage to ask Ren if she had some time to go somewhere with him. Ren, surprised by the invitation, looked at Judas with curiosity and then agreed, sensing that this might be an opportunity for a much-needed break from the whirlwind in her mind.

As they left the hall, Judas suggested taking a stroll around the area since they didn't have any obligations for the rest of the evening. Ren nodded in agreement, and they started walking side by side, venturing into the nearby grove of trees.

The air was filled with the earthy scent of nature, and a cool breeze lightly brushed against their skin. It was a serene atmosphere, far from the bustling rigors of training in Marley. Ren couldn't recall the last time she had truly savored nature—every day had been filled with relentless training and exhausting work, leaving little time for leisure or appreciation of their surroundings.

As they silently walked, the tranquil surroundings seemed to wash away the negative emotions that Ren had been carrying. The weight on her shoulders gradually lightened, replaced by a sense of peace and calm. The quietude of the nature walk became a soothing balm for her weary spirit.

And then, unexpectedly, Ren felt a gentle pat on her head. She turned to see Judas smiling warmly at her, the gesture a familiar and comforting one. It was something he had done ever since they were children, a way to cheer her up during moments of distress or when she needed a reminder of his support. In that moment, Ren felt a surge of gratitude and appreciation for his presence.

They continued walking, the sound of their footsteps blending with the rustling leaves. Ren felt a deep sense of contentment, realizing how fortunate she was to have Judas by her side. There was a bond, a connection between them that she cherished. In this quiet moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature, she couldn't imagine sharing it with anyone else.

The next morning, Ren stood in the midst of the continuous physical fitness training, alongside her fellow cadets. The rigorous regimen was designed to push their limits, improve their overall strength, and prepare them for the challenges ahead. They tirelessly engaged in various exercises, from running and push-ups to weightlifting and obstacle courses, determined to become stronger soldiers.

Throughout this period, Ren lectured herself to maintain a sense of restraint, avoiding any sign of exerting extra effort. The memory of the incident involving Shadis and Levi on the first day echoed in her mind, serving as a crucial reminder. Ren didn't want to draw attention or invite unnecessary scrutiny, so she kept her performance consistent with her peers, never revealing the full extent of her capabilities.

Speaking of the Captain, Ren noticed that he hadn't been around much since that eventful day. He would pass by the training grounds intermittently, observing the cadets from a distance, but without engaging with them or the instructors. This fact brought a sense of relief to Ren, knowing that she wouldn't have to strain herself to avoid any interactions with him. However, a small nagging thought persisted in her mind—the need to apologize for her actions. Ren acknowledged that pushing Levi to the floor had been an impulsive reaction, and deep down, she knew it wasn't an easy feat to take him down. She wondered why he had been lenient with her, questioning his motives and intentions.

Lost in her reverie, Ren found herself jolted back to reality as the stern voice of Shadis called out her name. "Cadet Ren," he barked, his commanding tone cutting through her thoughts. "Continue your push-ups."

Ren quickly composed herself, burying her face in her palms for a brief moment before rubbing her face slightly, a gesture of frustration and determination. Without dwelling on her inner turmoil or the thoughts that plagued her, she positioned herself back into the exercise, redoubling her efforts to focus solely on the physical demands placed upon her.

In that moment, Ren pushed aside her concerns, channeling all her energy into the task at hand, immersing herself in the grueling routine of the training. She silenced the nagging thoughts and focused on perfecting her movements, dedicating herself to the path of becoming a skilled soldier.

The days went on, and Ren continued to give her all. She strived to improve, to surpass her limits, and to prove her worth within the cadet corps. The trials and challenges ahead loomed large, and she refused to let anything distract her from her path of fulfilling her mission.

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