• trial •

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After the satisfying breakfast, Ren and the other cadets gathered in the training grounds for their session on Titan biology with the eccentric and knowledgeable Section Commander Hange. As Hange began her lesson, her enthusiasm for the subject quickly became infectious, making the cadets eager to dive deeper into the mysteries of the Titans.

In the midst of the training grounds, Hange set up various stations showcasing diagrams and research materials. She led the cadets through a captivating presentation, explaining the inner workings and unique characteristics of Titans. Hange's passionate and animated delivery made the dense subject matter come alive, turning the lesson into an engaging exploration.

The cadets listened intently, absorbing information about the structure of Titan bodies, the composition of their flesh, and the regeneration capabilities that made them formidable adversaries. Hange illustrated the weak points on a Titan, emphasizing the importance of targeting these areas to effectively neutralize them.

Following the Titan biology session, the cadets gathered at the training facility for their next mission. Ren and her group found themselves outside the comforting walls again, sent on another test to prove their skills. Erwin Smith, their commanding officer, observed them closely, his gaze fixated on Ren. He had noticed her hesitation during the previous test, particularly her reluctance to directly kill a Titan. Today presented an opportunity for Erwin to assess Ren's resolve and loyalty to the cause, though he had devised a secret goal surrounding her actions.

The tension in the air was palpable as Erwin addressed the group. "Today's test will push your abilities to the limit," he announced, his voice resonating with authority. "Your mission is to navigate through the forest, with Titans roaming within. Your task is to eliminate these Titans efficiently and effectively." His eyes lingered on Ren, the weight of his expectation evident.

As they ventured deeper into the dense and eerie forest, Ren's heart raced with a mix of determination and unease. She knew this test held more significance than a mere display of combat skills; it was a trial of her beliefs and inner turmoil. The Titans they would encounter were not mindless monsters to her. They represented fellow Eldians, perhaps even individuals she had once known, and the thought of taking their lives weighed heavily on her conscience.

Ren focused on suppressing her conflicting emotions, knowing that she had a responsibility to her comrades and to the mission at hand. She scrutinized the surroundings, her trained eyes scanning the area for any signs of Titan presence. The silence of the forest was interrupted only by the rustling of leaves and occasional distant rumbles.

Leading her group, Ren strategized their movements, devising a plan that would enable them to complete the task without her directly killing a titan. She communicated the strategy quietly, ensuring each member understood their role and the importance of cooperation. Their success would rely on precise execution and trust in one another.

As they encountered the titans within the shadows of the gnarled trees, Ren skillfully employed her knowledge and tactics to direct her comrades. She played a support role, using her ODM gear to navigate the terrain swiftly and distract the titans, allowing her team members to deliver decisive strikes.

Ren's heart raced with every nimble maneuver, her instincts guiding her movements flawlessly. She observed her comrades engaged in combat, relying on their training and skills to dispatch the titans swiftly and efficiently. Her unease simmered just beneath the surface, but she pushed it aside, their mission taking precedence.

Time seemed to both stretch and blur as the group advanced through the forest, their coordinated effort and teamwork a testament to their training. Ren's guidance and maneuvering ensured the titans remained preoccupied and contained, allowing her comrades to eliminate them effectively.

As the final titan succumbed to the skilled blades of her comrades, a wave of relief washed over Ren. They had successfully completed the test, accomplishing their mission without Ren having to directly end the life of another Eldian. Each member of the team acknowledged their roles and shared a sense of collective accomplishment. However, beneath the surface, Ren battled a silent struggle. Nausea and overwhelming emotions started to overpower her, anxiety gripping her mind like a vice. A sickening sensation crawled down her stomach, threatening to consume her.

Erwin watched from a distance, his keen eyes discerning the dynamic within the group. Though the mission appeared straightforward, he had silently observed Ren's actions, searching for signs of her commitment to their cause. While the outcome satisfied his hidden motive, he admired Ren's ability to navigate the ethical tightrope that accompanied their duty.

The forest canopy above cast shifting shadows as Ren and her comrades regrouped, ready to return to the safety of the walls.

In a solemn meeting room within the walls that evening, Erwin Smith, Levi, and other officers gathered to discuss the progress of the cadets' training. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of gravity, their expressions reflecting the weighty matter at hand.

Erwin directed the conversation, addressing his fellow instructors with a serious demeanor. "We have noticed a discrepancy in the performance of certain cadets during their recent practical exercises," he began, his voice carrying a sense of concern, catching Levi's attention. "While some show exceptional skill and determination, others have faced challenges in meeting the required standards."

Shadis, a senior officer, furrowed his brow as he absorbed Erwin's assessment. The responsibility of shaping the cadets into capable soldiers weighed heavily on his mind. He understood the importance of their ability to effectively eliminate Titans, a fundamental skill necessary for their future roles.

The officers exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the differences they had observed during the cadets' training. Each instructor held their insights, aware of the unique strengths and areas for improvement displayed by their assigned cadets.

Erwin's gaze focused on the shared concern around one cadet, unspoken but etched into the minds of all present. "There is a particular matter regarding one cadet we must address," he stated, the gravity of the situation evident in his voice. "In the past two exercises conducted outside the walls, this cadet consistently refrained from directly engaging the Titans." Levi brows furrowed, realizing the cadet Erwin was referring to was Ren.

Levi and the others absorbed Erwin's words, their expressions reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. They understood the pivotal significance of a cadet's ability to confront and dispatch Titans as an integral part of their training. Even they were curious about why Ren excelled in other aspects of training, yet struggled with the seemingly simple task of killing a titan.

Erwin continued, his voice holding a tone of determined resolution. "While the cadet has shown promise in other areas of training, this matter needs attention. The ability to eliminate Titans is an essential aspect of their role as cadets," he emphasized, ensuring the seriousness of the situation was clear.

Levi, silently observing the discussion, internalized the implications of their deliberations. He had noticed Ren's hesitations as well, the intricate web of emotions that likely underpinned her actions. Though he refrained from speaking, his mind formulated theories and considerations, seeking understanding rather than swift judgment.

Erwin pondered for a moment, his gaze shifting from one officer to another. "We must address this issue directly," he asserted with determination. "In the cadet's next practical exercise outside the walls, we will provide an opportunity for them to engage directly and eliminate titans under controlled circumstances. It will serve as a decisive evaluation of their capabilities, determining their potential and future within the ranks."

The officers nodded in agreement, their dedication to the cadets' growth and the integrity of the Corp unwavering. They understood the importance of this challenge, the potential impact it held for both Ren and the Corps as a whole. As the meeting adjourned, their minds already began formulating plans, ready to guide and support the cadets, including the one in question, on their path toward becoming formidable soldiers.

• s o l a c e •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora