30. A Talk

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I had a hard time holding back a laugh as Isa walked in behind me through the portal. All the princes were already there, and their mouths had dropped open.

"And here I thought you all had seen a wyvern before." I smiled.

"First of all, we have." Lucien pointed out not looking away from Isa.

"Second of all, never this big." Elmir's eyes curious on her.

"And third, never in my war room." Wymond finished.

Pride hid a secret smile before he slid into his chair. Maze was firmly on my right while Isa hovered behind me. All big, black and powerful. I shifted a little until I could pat her skin.

"Well, boys." The princes scowled playfully at me. "This is Lady Isa."

Elmir came over first, he glanced at me when I nodded, he let his hand caress her black, leather skin. His eyes widened as it flickered between me and Isa.

"You're bonded with her." He gasped. A silence fell over the room. I looked at the other princes, they all looked as shocked as Elmir.

"Yeah." I glanced at Pride. He was looking at me with a soft expression. "Pride said wyvern can bond with humans or demons."

"They can..." Gideon glanced from Pride to me. "But what Pride forgot to mention -" Of course, he kept another thing from me. I avoided his gaze. "Is that it's been a long time since it happened."

"What is a long time?"

"The last time it happened was over 600 years ago." Griffin said. "Before that it was over a thousand years ago and even then, it happened rarely."

A thousand years? I could feel my eyes bulge out of my sockets. What does this mean? My eyes found Sevrin's because with everything that happened, with the connection we had in the beginning... We never had a chance to talk about it again but maybe we should before... Something was wrong, the light in his eyes had dimmed. Before I could walk over to him, Pride spoke up.

"Maybe you should inform us what this meeting is about."

"Right." I looked at Elmir who was still fawning over Isa. He looked a little sheepishly before he sat down. "As you will all probably remember, if someone bonds with a wyvern, it creates a telepathic bond." Isa placed her large chin on my shoulder. All the princes were focussing intently on me and Isa. "When Griffin and I went on our hike, I saw a wyvern just before -" My breath got caught in my throat as I felt the sudden weight of the snow on my chest. Pride me a move to stand up but Maze and Isa's pressure against me helped me breathe again.

"Isa told me that the wyvern the rebels have are not the same." I told them everything Isa had told me about them. The princes were all quiet during my explanation, even after as they mulled it over. Isa had curled around my legs with Maze, both a protective barrier around me. Pride's eyes never left me, but I couldn't look at him right now.

"This is even more proof they are working with the witches." Wymond murmured.

"If they are creating wyvern... what else have they created?" Lucien asked darkly.

"Are they still lying low?" I asked.

"Yeah, we haven't heard a single thing." Wymond ran a hand through his blond hair. "They are planning something I know it."

"Maybe..." I said slowly, leaning my forearms on the chair in front of me. At the tone of my voice Isa and Maze stood up straight, flanking my sides as the princes looked at me. "We should use me as bait, to draw them out."

All the princes started shouting their objections and Pride's fierce rumble shook the room. Isa let out a loud hissing sound and they quieted down.

"We are never going to use you as bait, Ava." Sevrin said sternly. "We will never put you in harm's way. Not if we can help it."

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