23. An Ambush

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After breakfast, Pride and I walked to the garden in silence. I chose to wear the riding gear, Gideon gifted to me. Dark breeches that sat snug against my legs, a blue tunic that was tight across my chest but lose at the arms and stomach, reaching over my bum, cords were tied loosely over my chest. My boots reached just above the knee, clicking on the stones of the path towards the stables. When Pride saw me appear in my riding gear, he scowled but didn't say anything.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. "Phineas?"

One side of his mouth curled upwards before he shook his head. I huffed and looked away. I saw Darren walk over with Alexander and Cleopatra. He was struggling that was for certain. Both horses were throwing their heads in the air, lifting their front feet from the ground. I pushed the cloak that was draped over my arm against Pride's chest without looking at him before I went to Darren.

I focussed my attention on Cleopatra first, since she was the one that nearly headbutted Darren. "Hey, Cleo. Calm down." I whispered. "I got you something." I said before taking a sugar cube from my pocket. She guzzled it eagerly. After it was gone, she nuzzled her head against my hand.

"Well, look at you, the horse whisperer." Darren grinned.

I winked at him before tying Cleopatra's reigns around my arm and going to Alexander. "Here is my handsome boy." I scratched his neck, and he calmed down instantly. While I was focussed on him, I saw Darren exchange and surprised glance at Pride. I looked to Darren. "You can saddle him now."

"I'll saddle him." Pride said, another look of surprise filled Darren's face. He had probably never saddled his own horse before. "You saddle Cleopatra while Lady Ava keeps her busy."

My breath hitched as his fingers suddenly grazed my bare collar bones. He hung the cloak over my shoulders before clipping it together at the hollow of my throat. I kept my eyes on Cleopatra as the two of them saddled the horses. When they were done, Darren offered to help me up Cleo but after a look over my shoulder, he bowed, kissed my hand and went inside the house.

I held on to the saddle and put one foot in the stirrups. Just as I was about to push myself off, large hands grabbed my waist.

"I can do it myself."

"I know." His voice deep, like a rumble through the air. He didn't say anything else, neither did I. It was like we were frozen in time, neither of us moved. I could just feel his fingers curl into my sides, and it made me snap out of it. I pushed myself up and swung my leg over the saddle. Once I was seated, Pride whispered to Cleopatra, stroking her nose before he swiftly slung over his own saddle. "We'll head to the woods. Stay close because there is a protective barrier around the border."

"Like at Gluttony's? The temperature drop?"

"No." He said before he rode off.

Not wanting him to best me, I went into a galop and strode past him in a blur. Grinning as Cleo's manes flapped in the air. Now more than happy with the riding lessons Gideon gave me. Me, calling guesses of his name over my shoulder as I went.

After an hour of racing against each other we slowed down our pace. My hair must look like a bird's nest by now, but I didn't care. The feeling of riding at a fast pace through the woods was exhilarating. I glanced at Pride who leaned down to whisper to his horse. His hair, normally tamed and combed back, was now standing in every direction. His face was flushed from riding. The mixture of those two made something flutter inside of me. I shifted my eyes to Alexander.

"What do you keep whispering to him?"

He pushed himself up again before looking at me. "That's between me and him."

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