9. The Silent Treatment

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The next morning, Gluttony rambled on once again like he had never stopped. Talking about how he made friends back on earth. How he saw times change, some for the better, some for the worse. How he climbed the mount Everest or went diving in the Mediterranean Sea. At the last part, his eyes focused on mine.

"You're eyes." He said. "It reminds me of the time I went diving in Croatia." I smiled as I buttered my bread. "Let me guess." He smiled. "A lot of men talk about your eyes." I tilted my head a little, shooting him a crooked grin. "Still not talking to me?"

I shot him a look that said, still not telling me your name ?

"Wait and see." He muttered. "Sloth should have given me a warning. Or an instruction manual how to handle you."

I couldn't help but smile behind my goblet as I took a sip. Sloth said I would drive his brothers up the wall, I guess he was right. But this wasn't entirely my fault, if he would just tell me his name this all could have been avoided.

"I'll be planning for the party the rest of the day, so you're free to explore."

Except for all the locked doors in here. Sloth didn't have any locked doors, not even his own chambers. Not that I entered it before, but Leon did, just like it was his own. I gave him a two-finger salute.

As Gluttony went to his party planning, I slipped into the library. I picked up a book with no title or recognisable cover and flipped it open. I tried the chair in the room but none of them were like the one at Sloth's. At the end I chose the reading nook at the window, facing the snowy top mountains.

As the sun shifted in the sky, marking the passing of time, the door opened. I was surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice, thinking it was the prince.

"Gluttony said you might still be here."

I looked up from my book to see a young man walking in the library. He had a short buzz cut, dark skin and bright blue eyes. He looked human. He was carrying a tray in one hand.

"I brought you lunch."

"Oh, you shouldn't have. I would have gone to the kitchen when my stomach rumbled too loudly." I smiled but accepted the tray. "I'm Ava."

"Amone." He bowed a little. When he straightened, he turned to leave.

"I hope I'll see you at the party tonight." I called after him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." His eyes sparkled before he turned around. Now that his back was towards me, I could see he wasn't human. A tail was curling from left to right, between his trousers and shirt. I looked at the tray, it was filled with different cheeses and bread and a pitcher of water next to it. I placed the tray in front of me as I tore a piece of cheese and bread of it, focusing back on my book.

I had just put on a silk bathrobe when a knock came from my bedroom door. Pan was wearing a tight green dress, her hair plaided in a complicated braid. She wore a single pendant around her neck.

"Pan, you look amazing." I gasped.

"Thank you." She smiled broadly. "Let me see your clothes." She walked past me, right into my room without hesitation. She opened the door of my wardrobe and glanced inside, pushing the dresses aside one by one. "Nope, nope, nope."

I was smiling as I leaned against the bedpost, watching her find the right dress for the party. "I know my mortal attire won't suit for the party, but if Elviva hears you dismissing her dresses..."

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