2. Ava

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Lust was positioned in Europe this year. He was leaning against a lantern going over the list in his hand tiredly. This year, 130,906,795 men and woman turn twenty-five across the world. About 400,000 were born in Europe. He's been at it since the early hours and his list was almost done, his time was almost up, just a few minutes shy of midnight. He played with the silver ring on his finger, making only part of the world slowdown. Their rings were the only reason the princes could test all the people that were born that day, otherwise they wouldn't have enough time.

The hand with the ring on it went through his blonde locks and his golden eyes focussed on the woman that left a bar with a young man. He straightened up, pushing himself off from the lantern and followed the pair from the shadows.

The man had his arm around her waist, laughing at something she said. When the pair stopped and the man leaned down to kiss her, he saw his moment.

He sends a wave of lust towards the couple and the man started groping and kissing her hungerly. But she wasn't having any of it, she tried to push him away, but he just kissed her more passionately. Lust shot another wave at them, but the girl didn't seem to be affected at all.

It became amusing when she kicked him in the jewels and slapped him on the cheek. Lust broke the sin on the pair with a small, amused grin. He circled the name of the girl on his paper. He looked up again, ready to go to the next one, wanting to see the man doubled over on the pavement one last time. He still was, but the girl had found him in the dark shadows. He was sure she couldn't see much, probably just his eyes and his hair that stuck out from the shadows. She tilted her head a little, the man on the pavement next to her completely forgotten. Lust winked at her before he retreated in the shadows completely before moving on to the next one.

The next morning, there was an invitation on her dining table.

About eight in the morning, I was making myself a cup of tea when I noticed a sealed letter on my dining table. I reached over, my fingers going gently over the vintage looking envelope. My name was the only thing written on it. Frowning, I reached for the bat in my kitchen and took it with a firm grip. I took careful and silent steps through my flat, checking the windows. Still locked. I checked the front door, also locked. Nothing seemed out of place except for the strange letter.

"Michael, if this is some sick joke, you better come out before I bash your head in." No answer came. "If it is someone else, I already called the police." The tiny flat remained silent. I checked and double checked the flat before sitting down at the table. My tea had run cold by the time I sat down in front of the letter; my knees pulled up to my chin as I looked at the old envelope. I rested my head on my bare knees. I heard the rain trickle down on the iron bars of the terrace, it was the only thing I could hear. Taking in a deep breath, I reached over, just when my fingers grazed the envelope, my cell phone rang.

I jumped up in fright. "For fuck's sake!" I clutched my heart. I snatched the phone from the counter and picked up. "Hey, Hanna."

"Hey. Are you okay? You sound weird."

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." I glanced at the envelope. "My phone wasn't on vibrate, so I got spooked a little."

"Okay." I could hear her muffled snicker through the phone. "Are we still meeting up for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"I'll save you a seat." Hanna said before the line died.

I placed the phone down and turned around, leaning on the counter. I stared at the weird envelope for five minutes, my name was perfectly written on it in elegant handwriting. Ava. Not reaching out the slightest before I shook my head and went to get ready.

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