26| Vante

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He's definitely crossed a line now. Clearly following her before wasn't enough. That greedy bastard just wanted to get his hands on her the second he could.

"I'm gonna kill him." I mutter under my breath. Voicing my thoughts but not loud enough for Delilah to hear.

Speaking of which, she's been eyeing me down the whole time for the car ride. I know she was confused about leaving so suddenly, but I just can't put her at risk. Being around Jameson is a risk.

Just knowing him is a fucking risk on your life and anyone else you know. And I will not risk the life of Delilah. Never Delilah.

The car stops in front of the building but there are a bunch of photographers, press and news reporters crowding the entrance to the building.

I gaze out the window and turn back to Delilah to let her know what needs to happen next but before I can even call her name, she's out the car and shutting the door.

I sigh and meet Peter's surprised eyes in the rearview mirror. "Don't even,"

He sighs too and gets out of the car. "You might want to hurry up, sir. Delilah might get lost,"

I reach for the door handle and finally open the door, climbing out of the car as I'm bombarded with questions. About me, Delilah and the marriage.

"Mr Riccardo! When will you have the wedding?! Will it be in the country?" A journalist begins but I ignore her question as my eyes scan the crowd for Delilah.

I find her in the center of another group of journalists but what makes me worry is that there are two suspicious guys lurking in between the journalists.

Jameson. I think to myself and start pushing past the people as my bodyguards come out of the building to help manage the crowd.

I notice she's trying to hide her face from all the camera flashes but all the commotion is sitting well with her.

"Delilah!" I call out but I'm not sure if she can hear me. So I try again.

Calling her name until my voice booms so loud that she, as well as the crowd, turns around to face me. Delilah looks at me with a bank expression and then continues her way inside.

Jameson's guys see me too and they seem to try and rush their mission.

I  keep my eyes on Delilah, making my way through the crowd as I go but a question catches me off guard.

"Do you intend to stay with Mrs Riccardo until the very end, Mr Riccardo?" I turn and look for the culprit.

Everyone looks at me with blank expressions but only one smiles. And of course she's from the Royal Eye Witness news channel.

They always know how to get the answers they want. "Delilah is now my wife. That shouldn't even concern you, yet it does. She will be mine until the very end, now if you'll all excuse me,"

The crowd makes way for me and I rush towards Delilah. She's completely unaware of the guys and just continues walking smiling awkwardly at the people who put the cameras close to her face. One of the guys reaches his hand out and snatches her arm.

Delilah's bag and jacket fall out of her hands as the guy begins to drag her from the crowd. She tries to break out of his grip, yelling and scolding.

"Vante! Leave me alone! I can by myse—" as soon as she looks up, her eyes widen at me.

I can understand, the scene before her very innocent eyes is me...

Holding a gun.

And it's pointed at the guys head. He's frozen and slowly turns his head to look at me. Everyone else may be looking t me with shock or fear, but I'm only looking back into Delilah's eyes.

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