6| Vante

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I stand in astonishment. No woman has ever spoken to me like that. I admit, i am a little frustrated at the fact that she just practically told me off and defied me, but my frustration disappears as i watch her walk away. Her small figure shrinking as the distance between us grows.

I know people were looking when i was taking her but i could care less. I just need her to be the mother an birth my baby.

Why did i freeze? All she did was say my name. In the best voice I've ever heard.

No, it's not her voice. It's the tone. I don't think I've heard my name being called in such a tone in the past 15 years. It was only when Sofia and i were younger and-

There's no need to bring that up. Everything is better now, Sofia has children and I'm going to get a child soon.

Very soon.

I hear a squeal and my thoughts are cut off. I look up to see Delilah jumping up but when she lands, she realises people looking at her and runs away.

I sigh and almost smile at her actions. As if her frame isn't small enough already, she still behaves like a little girl. I'm sure she'd be able to fit in my hands just fine...

Speaking of hands, i remember the file she gave me. She shoved it into your chest.

I shake my head at the voice in my head.

I look Dan at the file and it has Sofia's name on it. This must be the results of all those tests they did. She's obviously lost a lot of weight again. But she'll be under the care of the doctors so they better make sure she gets her meals. And eats them.


As i climb in the backseat of my car I dial my PA's number on my phone and he answers immediately with a cheerful voice.

"What can i do for you, Mr Riccardo?" He asks expectantly but still cheerful.

I sigh at his tone, pinching the bridge of my nose to stop me from going off at him. "I need you to find women who will be able to give birth to my child. Make sure none of them are gold diggers, sluts, shallow or too old or young. I need them to be around 25 and 5'2 in height. Find me a brunette with hazel eyes and she needs to be able to defy me and her voice better be as soft as summer rain and—" the fuck?!

My PA chuckles awkwardly when i cut myself off. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to get everything on that list, sir, but I'll do my best,"

"Whatever, Peter. Just get me a woman who can give birth to my child. I'll be at the office in 10 minutes so have the women ready to come at 10am. That gives you 3hours so don't give me excuses when I'm there," I switch off my phone before telling my driver to hurry along.

When we arrive at the office building, Peter hurries over to me babbling about my schedule for the day. Turns out i forgot about a breakfast meeting i have in an hour. I tell him to move it to tonight because i have more important things to do.

I give Peter work to do so that he can leave me alone for a while. I sit in my office and stare out the window. I look at the view of London. The city has become a mixture of different styles of buildings, both old and new. Rain clouds colour the sky, blocking and rays that dare to shine through.

The rain in London is a lot more compared to Italy's summer showers. It is expected but London was the only place i could take Sofia. It was the safest. It was the only place where our father didn't have any control. And it didn't matter that people wanted to kill us, the only thing that matters is that my father can't get to us.

I lean back in my chair and sigh. Everything is exhausting and it doesn't help that i can't sleep at night. I've grown accustom to it though, since people are out for my head. And spent a lot more energy yesterday because of Sofia's pregnancy. At least that's sorted now.

I get a glance of my reflection in the window and notice the dark circles under my eyes, but they're not too noticeable, only if someone is close to my face can they be seen. I shake off the thoughts and get back to my work.

A few hours later, Peter knocks on my office and invites himself in. I glare at him but he seems almost unbothered.

He grins slyly and i narrow my eyes at him. "Your ladies have arrived, Mr Riccardo. They're waiting to meet you in boardroom 6."

He holds the door open for me and waits as i get up and mentally prepare myself for the women I'm about to meet. Peter hands me a folder and i take it, making my way to the elevator. When we're in the elevator, i lean against the wall and sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Peter walks in and presses the button to get to the lower floor. As the doors close, i can feel his eyes on me.

"What do you want?" I groan out, the headache becoming worse.

"Did you even get any sleep last night, sir? Has the medication not been working?" He questions with concern.

I gather myself and stand up straight, proving to him that i don't need his care. "The meds won't work so i didn't bother taking them,and i had to go see my sister because she went into labour. Now, how many women did you get?"

I looks down at the folder and it's a lot thinner than i would like.

"Actually, sir," he begins, rubbing the back of his neck. "There aren't a lot of women who fit the description you asked for. Most of them have ties to your enemies..."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Whatever, lets just get this over with,"

When the elevator door opens, pairs of decorated eyes look turn to me. All of them have an evil glint in their eyes and i already know this will not bode well.

I turn to glare at Peter who scurries away to open the door to the boardroom for me.

I sit at a place facing the door to ensure that each of the women sits across from me and to avoid them climbing onto me. I tell Peter to call in the first woman and he obliges, closing the door as she walks in.

"Candice Evans?" I question sceptically.

A short woman with pale skin stands at the door. Her blonde hair is curled in a wold way and her red lipstick is almost blinding. Her caked face is already making me regret this.

A bunch of women later...

So many emotions run through my mind and they all lead back to one person. But none of these ladies are her.

"Bring in the next one, Peter," I instruct with my eyes closed. I wait to hear the door but when I'm greeted with silence, my eyes snap open to show me a nervous looking Peter.

"Sir, the-uhhh..." he clears his throat and adjusts his tie. "Those were all the women..."

I stare at him with a straight face that says, "what the fuck."

I rake a hand through my hair and try to think of other options but nothing comes to mind. This internal battle with myself has gone on since I left the hospital. And I think that it's been long enough.

"Get me the address for Delilah Winston and get the car ready when you've found it."


Yooo 75 reads damnnnnn.
Anywhooo I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read my book :)

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