Part 17: Aurora

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Two weeks have come and gone since my liberation from the wing, and life has taken a surprisingly positive turn. I've forged strong friendships with my guards and Marcus, who has been a delightful companion. Spending time with Kiara, too, has brought me immense joy.

My interactions with other nobles, however, have been less than straightforward. It's as if they either regard me with a mix of awe and trepidation due to my status as the Alpha King's mate or hold a disdain for me simply because I am a human amidst the grandeur of this castle.

The noblemen who harbor animosity towards my presence tend to keep their distance, a situation I find agreeable. If they harbor ill feelings towards me, I prefer not to engage with them. I was not the one who chose to be here; I was brought here against my will. However, the noblewomen paint a different picture. They engage in whispering campaigns and exhibit a clear displeasure with my presence.

Despite Rylan's inquiries, I have shared very little of this with him. It seems futile, and I'd rather avoid unnecessary conflict. My relationship with Rylan has been remarkably harmonious. He treats me with a level of reverence that makes me feel like a queen, and I find solace in his warm embrace. I am content with the current state of our relationship.

However, as I become more integrated into castle life, I've had the opportunity to learn more about Rylan's intimidating reputation. His kind and gentle side is the face he shows to me, but I sometimes forget about the formidable force he truly is. I hope that my presence is having a positive influence on him, and the people around me attest to that, but I remain unsure.

Rylan speaks about our future as if we're already a married couple, discussing plans for our family. It feels somewhat rushed, but I let it slide. One morning, after an impassioned night together, he couldn't resist placing his hand on my stomach, reminding me of the potential pregnancy aspect of our relationship. It was a reality I had momentarily forgotten.

The day finds me strolling leisurely through the gardens with Kiara, enjoying the sunshine and the pleasant company. Bran and Jaxon, my diligent guards for the moment, are keeping a respectful distance, giving us the much-needed privacy for what Jaxon cheekily labeled as "girl talk," much to our amusement. Kiara has become "Ki" to me, a term of endearment that wouldn't pass muster in Rylan's presence. He harbors a palpable distaste for Kiara's occasional habit of addressing me by my name, instead of the formal titles "Luna" or "Your Majesty," which strikes me as rather absurd.

In the midst of our casual conversation, I notice a distinct gleam in Kiara's eyes, signaling that she has something she's itching to share. "What's going on?" I inquire, unable to contain my curiosity. With a barely contained smile, she discloses, "I have some news, but it's strictly confidential for now. Caelum is the only other person who knows." "I won't breathe a word," I promise, my interest piqued to an even higher degree now that it's shrouded in secrecy. She pauses, building up the suspense before revealing, "I'm pregnant."

The news hits me like a bolt of pure elation, prompting me to let out a euphoric squeal and immediately envelop her in a heartfelt hug. In an instant, Bran and Jaxon are on high alert, brandishing their swords and rushing towards me, their protective instincts in overdrive. "What's the danger? Where is it?" they demand, scanning the area and then turning their attention to me. Thinking on my feet, I quickly fabricate a story, "Oh, nothing's wrong. I, uh, just spotted a spider on Ki and got a bit startled." The tension visibly drains from their features as they let out relieved sighs and return their weapons to their sheaths. "Women," Jaxon mutters under his breath as they retreat to a more comfortable distance. Ki and I dissolve into laughter at the situation, and I offer her a cascade of heartfelt congratulations.

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