Part 5: Rylan

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I storm through the palace, my anger boiling beneath the surface. I need a release, a way to vent my frustration, so I crash the training session of my elite soldiers. I tore through them, my strength and fury unmatched. Even my best warriors prove inadequate today.

"Who's next?" I roar, my voice demanding obedience. Yet none of my soldiers dare to step forward. They are exhausted, their bodies battered and bruised from my relentless assault.

"Insolent. All of you." I growl in frustration and walk away. It is clear that I need to make their training even more grueling if they are to become the formidable warriors I require.

As I continue to pace through the palace, no one dares to approach me or even raise their gaze to meet mine. They all bow in respect as I pass, a show of submission that I expect and demand.

But my thoughts are consumed by one person – Aurora, my mate. She is human, fragile compared to my kind, weak. I despise weakness and in turn, humans, yet I can't deny the strange effect she is already having on me. The image of her covered in blood disgusted me in a way I have never experienced before. When I noticed the cut on her leg, a primal rage surged within me. I had just slaughtered her entire camp, and yet one small injury on her has me teetering on the edge of madness.

It took every ounce of self-control to get her away from that bloodbath before tending to her wound. I needed her away from the prying eyes of my men. She is mine.

The memory of her sobs and her shriek upon my order to kill her people gnaws at me. I can't let this human influence how I rule, but a strange tear formed in my heart at hearing her so upset.

I know I have to protect her, keep her safe, but that is all. Everyone else is fair game, and I can't afford to let sentimentality weaken my power. I must find a way to push these feelings aside.

I storm into the royal washroom, my mind still in turmoil. The waters here are siphoned in from a volcanic hot spring, believed to possess healing properties. Perhaps that will help my mind settle. "Out," I demand of the servants in the room, who quickly scurry out, leaving me alone to think of my little mate.

Shedding my bloodstained clothes, I immerse myself in the hot water, the soothing warmth enveloping me. As I wash off the remnants of the battle, the crimson stains slowly swirl away. In that moment, I can't help but speak her name – "Aurora." It rolls off my tongue like a delicate melody, a beautiful name befitting a beautiful girl, the most exquisite woman I have ever encountered.

Despite our limited interaction, I have already sensed her sweetness, her timidity, her innocence – qualities that stand in stark contrast to everything I represent. A soft chuckle escapes me as I reminisce about how her cheeks flushed at my earlier insinuation, and how her gaze briefly lingered on my body. Her innocence is mine. Mine to protect, and mine to ruin. Oh the ways I would ruin her. Her delicate body under mine, writhing in pleasure. No. I can't think like that now. She is certainly not ready.

In truth, my wolf is already angry that I left her side for even a moment. But I need space, some distance to think clearly. Being around her clouds my judgment. Moreover, I couldn't bear to see her covered in blood for another second. As much as I long to be the one to wash it from her, I have to maintain a certain detachment. I can't allow my emotions to lead me into reckless actions. She is human and if I approached her as my instincts tell me, I would break her.

I step out of the bath and swiftly dress, the urgency to face Aurora tugging at me. But my path is intercepted when I see Marcus, a childhood friend and a loyal companion. He approaches, concern etched on his face.

"Alpha, is it true? Is this girl who I think she is?" Marcus inquires, his voice filled with curiosity. I glare at him but choose to remain silent. I had brought in a human girl, cradled her in my arms, and placed her in a room within my royal quarters, close to my bedroom. Marcus is no fool, and he has likely connected the dots, but it's none of his business. I don't care who knows, but I certainly don't want to hear anyone's opinion on the matter, especially when I've yet to decide on my own stance.

Marcus interprets my silence as admission. "That's great! The moon goddess has blessed you. I mean, she may be human, but that's only a minor inconvenience." My wolf growls in protest; he doesn't appreciate our mate being insulted. Marcus raises his hands, signaling that he stands down. Wise choice. I walk past him toward the room I've designated for Aurora.

I still don't know what I'm going to say as I approach her door. My hope is that she has cleaned the blood off of herself; I can't bear the thought of my wolf's anger overpowering me at seeing her beauty marred by the blood of others. I enter the room without knocking. After all, this is my palace, and I am the king – I don't knock.

The sight that greets me stuns me into silence. Aurora is asleep, lying peacefully on top of the bed. She's cleaned of the blood, appearing even more beautiful than I had imagined before. My gaze immediately falls to her leg, and I see that it has been professionally wrapped by the human doctor I've kept in my service. It was a wise decision to keep him around.

My heart rate slows, and a strange calm washes over me as I see her safe and sound in my palace. This is a feeling I want to savor, having her here, peaceful and secure. I move closer to her, taking a seat on the bed, and gently brush a strand of hair off her face.

I'm beginning to realize that there is no choice to make when it comes to her. She may be human, but she is undeniably mine. The moon goddess is never wrong, and Aurora is the missing piece in my life. She may not approve of my ways, but she will adjust. And despite her humanity, I will protect her, mark her as mine, make her my queen, and demand the respect she deserves.

This doesn't change my stance on other humans; they remain insignificant in my eyes. Aurora, however, is special, and I am determined to keep her safe and by my side.

As I sit there, she begins to stir. Her eyes flutter open, and in a panicked frenzy, she jolts away from me, rushing to the other side of the room. Both I and my wolf growl in anger; she should never run from us. I want to scold her for her defiance, but then she speaks.

"I don't know what mind games you are playing, but I will never betray my people," she declares with unwavering determination. I sigh, realizing her confusion and fear. I haven't explained anything to her yet, and she's in the dark about her situation. Her steadfastness is almost endearing, making me proud that she can exhibit such strength through her timid nature. She will make an excellent queen and mother to my heirs.

"I am not asking you to, little one," I respond, trying to soothe her fears. I no longer want to associate her with that human rebel camp. Her next question, though, is filled with desperation.

"Then what? What do you want from me?" she pleads, her voice trembling with fear. I decide it's time to be honest with her, not wanting to keep her in the dark any longer, especially when her fear is so palpable.

"I want you to be mine," I tell her firmly, my voice softening. "My queen, my wife, my mate. I want you to wear my mark with pride. I want you to bear my children. I want you by my side, safe and protected, by me."

She looked more confused than ever, and her disbelief was evident in her words. "What are you saying? We just met. You just slaughtered my people. You despise humans. I don't know who you think I am, but you are mistaken." Her voice wavered with a mixture of fear and defiance.

I could feel my patience wearing thin. I wanted her to understand, to come to me, to accept the undeniable truth. "I am not mistaken," I state firmly, my tone leaving no room for doubt. Taking a deep breath, I try to quell the irritation that's starting to rise within me. "Do you know what mates are, little one?" I ask gently.

She shakes her head, still bewildered by the situation. "Mates are a gift from the moon goddess," I explain softly. "They are our other half. The moon goddess pairs a select few to be fated mates, those who are meant to be together, and her decision is to be respected. You, Aurora, are my fated mate."

She continues to look puzzled, prompting me to elaborate further. "We are meant to be. It does not matter that you are human. You are mine," I assert with conviction, hoping that she would eventually understand the depth of our connection, one that transcended the boundaries of species and circumstances.

The Alpha King's HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora