Volume 2 Make a plan

342 5 14

Beacon Tower

Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well, running academy in a Military makes him a busy man, but yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.

Ozpin hears a beeping nose. He turns around to see it was his desk.

Ozpin: Come in.

A man in a white coat enters.

Ironwood: Ozpin.

Ozpin: Hello General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities, it's been too long, and Glynda, it has certainly been too long since we last met.

Goodwitch: Oh James, I'll be outside.

She leaves.

Ironwood: Well she hasn't changed a bit.

Ozpin: So what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas? Headmaster's don't typically travel with their students for the Vital festival.

Ironwood: Well you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you hosting, I thought this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up.

Ozpin: I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends, however a small fleet outside my window has me somewhat concerned.

Ironwood: Well, concern is what brought me here.

Ozpin: I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult-

Ironwood: Oz, you and I both know I brought those now.

Ozpin puts his cup down and looks at his old friend.

Ozpin: We are at a time of peace. Shows of power like this, which is going to give off the wrong impression. And we are already having problems with two students of our fine students.

Ironwood: But if what Qrow said was true-

Ozpin: If what Qrow said was true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytale Festival, a time to celebrate unity and peace, so I suggest you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.

Ironwood: I'm just being cautious.

Ozpin: As am I, which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can.

Ironwood: Believe me, I am. But ask yourself this. Do honesty believe your children can win a war.

Ozpin: I hope they never have to.

I enter the dorm room, I see Kotone reading. Yu was asleep as a suit case was by his bed, and Akira was studing while Morgana was by his side just watching him.

"So Atlas is here."

Kotone looks at me for a bit than goes back to reading.

Akira: Why?

"Probably cause of the robberies, who cares anyway?"

Akira: Honesty that makes sense. So I have a qustion for you Y/N, who do you like?

"What do you mean?"

Akira: You hang out a lot with the girls man, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Pyrrha, Nora? Who do you like romantically?

I look back in my social links, Pyrrha was at rank 3, Nora was rank 4, Yang was rank 7, Blake was rank 8, Weiss was Rank 6, and Ruby was rank 8.

"I'm more leaning to Ruby... though I enjoy my time with Blake, I guess I just veiw her as a good relatible friend."

RWBY x Persona 3 (Male Reader x Ruby) Volumes 1-3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon