Volume 3 Hard Truth, Easy Fight

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After Coco and and Yatsuhashi's loss, Y/N sighed in disappointment, as he gets up from his seat. But he noticed someone else walking away, Cinder... He leaves and meets up with Ruby and Yang.


Ruby: You'll never beat me old man!

Qrow: Pheh, you're nothing but talk, kid.

Yang: You can do it, Ruby!


Video Game: Soaring Ninja, wins! Total Annihilation.

Ruby's jaw was on the ground before she burrys herself in embarrassment.

Yang: Ouch.

Qrow: And by the way, don't ever call me old.

Yang dashes next to Qrow, launching Ruby into Y/N.

Video Game: New Challenger approaches.

Qrow: Now, where was I?

Ruby: You were telling us about your last mission!

Qrow: Right, right... I'd come across a small village in the swamps of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right.

Ruby: What were you doing there?

Qrow: I needed information. Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's Inn. The place was crawling with lowlifes and thugs and, even a few Huntsman that I could only assume had been hired by less than reputable people for less than respectable jobs. And that's when it happenstance.

Yang: What happened?!

Qrow: I was defeated... by the mere sight... of the inn keeper's shirt length!

Yang throws Ruby's dog pillow as Qrow catches it.

Video Game: Soaring Ninja wins! Total Annihilation!

Yang: You. Are. The. Worst!

Ruby, Qrow and Y/N start snickering as Y/N catches the controller that Yang threw at him.

Ruby: So Uncle Qrow, did you get into trouble with Ozpin? And why did Y/N need to be there.

Qrow: Nah, me and Oz go way back. We're cool.

"As for why I was there? I just got some... less then ideal information. Let's rock and roll old man."

Qrow: Hey... You don't need to insult me too, I saved your life, remember.

"Then your drunk ass tried to end it."

Qrow: Touche.

Ruby: Hey, so what are you doing here anyway? I thought dad said you'd be away on a mission for, like, ever.

Video Game: Ready. Fight!

Qrow: Well a professional huntsman like myself is expected to get results as soon as possible.

Ruby: Yeah I get that. We're pretty much pros too.

"Yeah, abouts that."

Qrow: Oh really.

Yang: Pssh, yeah! Read the news sometime. We totally saved Vale while you were gone.

Qrow: Funny, because I heard Vale suffered a Grimm attack after you almost managed to stop a train.

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