Volume 3 Qrow and Winter

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The scene cuts to a bar as a man with back hair, a cross necklace and a black and white outfit with a red cape was drinking. He looks up at the hologram screen showing team JNPR's victory.

Bartender: Huh, those kids weren't half bad.

Man: Meh.

He takes another sip of his drink. The news comes back on.

Oobleck: Ah well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but this next round will have them on the edge of their seats.

Port: Team S.E.E.S is certainly a crowd favorite, known for having a power unlike any huntsman or huntress, but these four are going up against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teammates we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about Team SSSN! Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Heaven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!

Weiss: Good luck, Neptune!

Ruby looks at Weiss in annoyance as she was rooting for Y/N. Neptune then noticed Kotone who had changed up her getup a bit.

Neptune: Kotone. Boys.

This pisses off Weiss a bit as Y/N and Ruby snickered.


As the crowd cheers, Y/N gets out Elucidator and Dark Repulser out, as his eyes started showing some blue glow. Kotone pulls her Naginata out for batte, Akira gets his gun and dagger as Yu pulls put his katana.

Neptune: Alright Kotone, try and remember; hands above the waist.

Sun: Ingore him, for he... yeah he's dumb.

Neptune winks as Kotone shows a look of disgust against the blue hair huntsman.

Kotone: Noted, and that's why I'm going to smash his face to the Ground.

This scares SSSN, as the boys smirked. One battlefield shows dessert on S.E.E.S side. Along with a fake sun shoving down heat.

"A desert huh, should make things interesting."

Yu: I got a lot of experience in the desert, should be easy.

Sun: Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too.

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune: Be cool man.

"Neptune, let me just say, you are not cool, and guess what, Ocean."

Y/N smirks as Neptune at first feels violated, but then turns around and sees the logo for 'Ocean'. Neptune makes a pathetic whimper.

Ruby: Uh, what's wrong with Neptune?

Blake: Oh no...

The ocean land which also had a pirate ship with it appears as Sun taps Neptune as he was acting like a Statue.

Blake: Neptune's... afraid of the water.

This gave Yang a shock of information.


Neptune zips past S.E.E.S and onto the mountain.

Sun: Neptune! What are you doing?!

Neptune: Oh, you know! Just uhhh, gaining the higher ground!

Sun: On the enemy's side?!

Neptune: They'd would never expect it!

Akira: Yeah, he's got a point, we didn't expect that. Kotone?

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