81 We are couple

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       She untied the rope of her body and run . He stands up. Where are you going my love ? You can't run way from here . She try to open the door but the door was located . He was coming her near . She looks to him . Don't come near to ? He was coming near to her .

I am telling you. If you take one more step towards me . It's will not good for you . My dear Erin , you really think you can run way from over . this is my own place . You can't run way from over .He comes her near . Yes, i can bastard .

Hardly she hits him in his stomach . Both of them start fighting with each other . You are very good at fighting , my love . You psychopath . How can you . And with right hand he grabs her neck tightly and hits her head to wall and she fall down on the ground , and got unconscious .

He comes down near to her and touch her face and try to make her wake up . Hey! My dear . I am sorry . I don't want to do this . Please forgive me . I will not do this again . Woke up , my dear . Woke up .

Lee and her brother Prince both of them come to a place . Both come out of the car and Prince asked him : How did you know, my sister is over ? Because , I have her location . You have location, but how ? How did you get her location? How did you know my sister ,and what is your relationship with her ?

I think first , we should go and saved Erin then we will both give you your questions answers .

Let's go .

Okay . Both run inside .

One minute . What happened? Her location is not showing up over. It's okay we have come over now. From here we don't need this. We will find out her my ourselves . Her brother said : you go there .

Okay . Both start looking for her in different directions . Prince loudly shout out her name .

Erin . Erin can you hear me ? Where are you ? And another side Lee was shoutout her name . Erin, can You hear me ? Answer me if you are hearing me .

Both was looking for her everywhere on the place and both was calling her name loudly . Erin can you hear me . Where are you ? Both stop running ame stand up at one place . Both of them was so much worried about her . Lee said to himself .

If anything happened to her . I won't forgive myself rest of my life . I was already suspicious of him. But still I did not do anything. she also had asked me but still I did not tell her and put her into the danger. If I had informed her and alerted her , all this would not have happened today .it's my mistake . It's has happened to me . But if he even touch her a little he will meet hell , I will give him hell .

     Prince come to him . Did you get her ? No. Where is she exactly ? I think my sister is not in this under construction building . And suddenly somebody hits on both of their heads . Both their hands were tied with rope, and they have make them sits by doing theirs back each other's .

And after some hours Lee regains consciousness . Why my head is hurting ? And then he look at himself . Then try to make him consciousness .

Hey ! Open your eyes . Hey ! Can you hear me . He regains consciousness .
What happened ? Why are you shouting ? Take a look of yourself . He looks at himself .

        What is all this ? Lee said : This is really good . Hey ! What are you saying ? In what kind of way this is good . We have came over to save Erin . but now we have to call something to save us . Now, all this has become very dangerous .

I don't care, how much this is dangerous. I have to save my sister at any cost. Me too . Now, can you give me my question answer . What question ? How did you know my sister ? And what is your relationship with her ? I am her boss .

Boss .

Yes .

Okay, what is your relationship with her ? We are a couple .

     He shocked .

What ?

What did you say ?

We are a couple .  He laugh . I think I have heard something wrong . Say it again . No, you have not heard anything wrong . He shout out. How can this possible ?

Why not . We are dating each other . And she wants to give you a surprise .

        Surprise, and that also about her relationship with you . Yes, she had said to you, when you come back she will come to picked you up on airport with her boyfriend, right ? No, She had said to me, when I will come back she will come to picked me up with her husband .

      He smile. It's good, that I have come over early, if have there for more some time . Then I am sure you both have get married . No, I am not that kind of man . But my sister is. She is .

He stop speaking . What happened? Why did you get silence  ? We have to find her . Yes, you are right but we both are tied from rope.
You don't move , stay still . He try to untied the rope . He was trying and trying to untied the rope . While trying he said .

     I am with you both's relationship. What ? I mean, are you serious ? Yes, I am . I trust on my sister . She will never take any wrong decision and that also when it's about a relationship .

But yeah, if you hurt my sister, or make her make. Even if one tear come out of her eyes then. I will broke your all bones and then no one doctor can fixed them back . Thank you for your kind words but i will never give you such a beautiful  opportunity . I love her very much. He see goons was coming towards them .


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