21 It can be possibly that he is alive.

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You can go now . 'Ok , . He leaves from there after he leaves The mask man said to a another man .
Keep your ears on him . I don't trust on him now . He can cheat me anytime now . But why would he do that . For his daughter he agree to let her to do this work , because he knew that if he had refused, I would have killed his daughter . For his daughter. now can cheat me any time .

I don't think he will do that . I have seen many people's like him . Their behavior is like they are with us, they can do anything for you but when it comes to doing something they back down and do nothing and leave us alone. Just do what I said. 'Ok , . He goes .

Yeshin comes to a hidden place , and tells a man asked . everyone to come to one place. Okay , commander . everyone comes and stand in the line . Today is the day when we are going to do our work.

Whatever preparations we have made so far, we have to show it today. Today we don't have to spare anyone, killed everyone, none of them should survive. are you ready . Yes , we are ready. Ok , don't level anymore matter then who is she or he killed all of them . tonight's night may not be tomorrow's morning for them. Don't leave anyone . Of course , we will not spare anyone .

Shu and Yan talking with each other's . He ask Yan . what you about Yeshin and Yuri ? is they are planing to anything ? I did not get know about that still but my informers tell me that some days before a unknown person come to meet Yuri they talk with each other's too long . Then did you catch that man ? No, he is died . ' what ?, why don't you tell me before about all this .

How did he die? Did he tell you anything before he died? Actually, at first we thought that if we go after him, we can catch all the people along with their boss, but don't know how he came to know that we are after him and he consumed poison . He was dead by the time we reached him .

I sorry , I did big mistake . If I had caught him, we could have got information from him. Never mind you didn't do it intentionally. Now forget that thing . Shu did you find anything with him ?

' Yes , I got this paper with him . He gives that paper to Yan . What is this ? I also don't understand ,"what is written in this "? I have seen like this writing before , but where ? Did you know that person who can write like this ,or read ? I think I know him. Who is he ?

I know him but I just can't remember him right now . That person is very close to me but who is he . Is she is ye Zing zing ? No, she is not . He is another one . The one who is writing this knows how to write this, read this. This script is very difficult to write, very few people know how to write and read it.

You tell us who can write this, we will go to him . who knows about this ? In our country only Five people's knows about this There are already died , one is missing since last Five years . And the last one, who is he ?

it's me . who is that Three people's ? The one is my Father , Second is Zing zing's  Mother and third is my uncle's son . Are you sure he is dead ? Why are you saying like this ? Because , I know think he is dead . We didn't get his dead body .

It's because of , When we were in the war, we reached near a  ditch while fighting, both of us were there but he fell down. We tried a lot to find him but we could neither find him nor his dead body.  It can be possibly that he is alive. No, it cannot be so that if he was alive, he would definitely have come back .

I do not think so. There is some other reason because of which he has not come back . I will tell you the whole thing after knowing it . You are thinking too much , keep an eye on those two . Ok .

             Erin comes to a room and started finding something . she looks everywhere in the end she finds it .
It was a map, she starts carrying that map with her . The guards standing outside were keeping watch, she escapes from their sight and goes from there, and comes to a forest, while going she is talking , and saying to herself.

Am I doing right, should I do this ? He trusts me a lot . Will it be right if I do this ? She stands at one place and says  . I  am going to break that person trust who gives me love ,he care about me so much . I have also become like both of them. They both are slepfiish and now I have also become like them .

Just like that man broke my mother's trust, in the same way that man's trust  , am going to break the one that seems to me to be more reliable than myself . I am starting to hate myself now. I hate myself. Now I can't do all this anymore she looks at the way in front and then turns back and starts going to the other side .

While walking she comes to a ditch and stop very near . She looks at the sky and says :: Mom can you hear me  ? Mom I am missing you a lot . why did you leave me . Mom , please Forgive me . I am sorry , I could not become a good daughter of yours. I am sorry Mom , so so sorry . I am very bad, I am very very bad . mom can you hear me  ?

I am missing you a lot Mom . I can't take the pain anymore, I'm tired, and now I'm coming to you . She moves on  .

       Pain , Cry what we want when we are in pain .  Have you ever thought about it ? When you want to cry you comes to your room and
lays down on the bed and cry a lot but in silence . It's good we all need silence but in another way . We need a silence hug when we cry , when we are in pain , when we go down in something . We need a person who hug you that time and says it's ok  it's not a  big deal . Everything will be ok . You can cry as much you want I here with you . We all need a that someone who is always stay beside us .

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