36 What about you ?

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Erin takes some steps forward sits down on both her legs and places her head on her knees . What should I do now? She raises her head and looks ahead and sees a boy who was going from there and he also had a necklace in his hand . She look toward his hand and realise that in his hand have her necklace . Stand up and going behind him .

Hey ! Stop . Excuse me . Hey ! Could not you hear my voice ? He was keep moving . I am talking to you . I said stop . I will said last time stop . The
necklace is in your hand is mine give me back my necklace . She yell very loudly . Did you hear me ?,give me my necklace back . He stop walking and about to trun back but the guards come there and he started running from there . Erin also ran behind him . The guards see her and ran behind behind him . The place is very dark . That boy go and hide somewhere . Where he gonna ?

Guards come there and ask her . What happened my lady ,why are you yell so loudly ? And at this time why are you running like this ?Sorry for yelling and also disturbing you all . It's ok but why are you running ? Are you following anyone ? Yes,i am following someone . In that boys hand have my necklace .The necklace is very precious to me . Ok, we will find that man you go now it's late . No , I want mt necklace right now . All of start
searching for that boy . Erin go and look behind the wall but don't he was not there so she trun back .

When she was leaving that boy hold her right hand and grabbed Her tightly put his right hand on her mouth so she can't shout out . Stay quite . She feels like she has hear his voice somewhere . Trying to make herself free but failed . He put the necklace on a box and pushed her front and run from there . She turn back to see his face but that few seconds he has gone .Guards come to her and ask . Are you ok ? Did you see him ? You all can go now .

Where he ? You don't need to look forward him , he has give me my necklace back . 'Go ,. But he is a thief we can't let him go like this . We have to catch him tell us ,'where he has gone ? I tell you all ,you don't need to do anything . I have got my necklace back now the problem is solved , so you all go back to your places .said in sweet voice . And Think you for helping me to find my necklace back . It's ok it's our duty . All of them go back to their own places .

Erin was going to his room , while going see see Shu . He was going towards Yans room . She was standing in some distance long from him , so she loudly called him by his name : Shu . He looks back . Shu wait there , I am coming . He saw her and stop at the point . While running she comes to him . Are you going to meet Yan ? Yes, but how did you know about that ? Yes , I know you will come .

Don't to right now . What ? I said don't go right now , he is sick . And I don't want anyone give him any tension  right now I absolutely not . What you want tell him , tell him after he got better and if there is anything very important then tell me I will tell him . You will ? Yes, I will tell me . You can tell me if anything is argent . He think . What are you thinking ? Nothing , nothing is argent matter I will tell him later . Ok , you can you then . Ok, then I am leaving . He go from there  .

You got your necklace . Yes , I got . Look at him shock because he is still sitting us she said to him . You ,. Why don't you sleep , and why are you still sitting like the way I leave . Your sick , you should have been taking rest but you are . Now say something . Don't you said before leaving not to move and keep sitting here . Are you serious ? yes ,I am . He smile . Are you going to yell on me ?, if you are going then let me remind you first I am sick . She smile and while coming towards him she said .

Do you know where i live there all womens dream about ( come and sit besides him) having a husband who always listen to them . always obey their order . What about you ? And    what type of husband you want ? I have never think about that , and now I don't need to think . I have you, and  you always listen to me . But you never listen to me. Yes, I never listen or do anything if my heart say no to that. And you will have to bear me like this for the rest of your life, and if you can't do it then tell me right now. I can bear you not only for this birth but for every birth . While smiling and looking at him she ask cutely  : Really ? Yes, . And pull her right cheek.

Did you take your medicine ? You have give me by yourself . It's been long time it's night now . Wait a million I will give you . She go and the medicmedicine and give him ,he eat the medicine .where is your necklace? In my hand . She show him her right hand . Give me the necklace and sit front of me . But why ? Sit . She gives necklace in his right hand and sit front of him . He wears the necklace around her neck . Look at him and said : Thank you . Just  thank you . Yes . I don't want your thank you . Then what do you want behalf on thank you ? I will get by myself . He grab her neck by his left hand , and come her close and kiss on her forehead .

  Destiny To Meet Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें