9 I will protect you this is my promise .

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I want to go back, But i don't how to go back . But I think you can help to find a way to go baby to my home . But why me ? Because you are the one who bring me here . You take me out of the water , it means only you can help me to go back .

I .

Yeah, you .

How can I help you ? I also don't know . Let's find a way together to go back home . By the way did you know Zing zing dad ? Yeah , I know him .
He is very bad person , he always bully Zing zing . He also have a big plan . What plan ? I don't know about that . When he comes to meet me he threat me . If you want to know about more than find out yourself .

she comes and sit beside him . what you do for lived ? I am crown prince and soon I will become kind . I don't need to do anything .

Ohh ! .

She lay down on his bed .

What about you, what you do ? I am not in the mood to give question answer . I will tell you later . Are you hungry ? She looks at him . No , am not .

But the sound comes from his stomach .

He smiles . What do you want to eat ?
Burger, pizza ,Pasta , noodles . she stop and look at him and smile .
What is there to eat here ?

Wait for some time, I will bring it. Ok . He goes out. Did he really believe me? By the way, he is very handsome in appearance, if he comes with me, he can become a superstar there.

Erin you are crazy, you have no way to go back back and you are thinking of taking him with you. How big is its room ? She starts looking at his room.

He comes out and tells his servant. Go and get me some food.
Now, at this time ?

Yeah , what happened , there is anything problem ? No , Nothing , you never eat food at this time, so my mind got a little choked . go and get it.

OK, I'll take it.

She takes out Yan xing's sword which was kept under his pillow. Wow, this is real. I can't believe this. And then starts wielding .

He brings food , and sees that she is wielding a sword.

what are you doing ? sorry , i touch your thing without your permission. it's okay ,come here and eat this food
Thank you . Welcome .

She sit and start eating food . What about you , you are don't going to eat ? No . your sword is very good .

You were wielding the sword very well. Where do did you learn from ? I have not learn , I just know how do it . There are many such things which I have not learned but I know how to do it . Like what ? Like, sword fighting, horse racing, shooting and many more .

What can you do ? There is nothing here as if I cannot do it . Wow , you are very awesome and this food to .
I am done .

Can i ask you a question ?

Yeah , .

Do you really trust on me ?

Yes , of course i trust on you .
Thank you for trusting on me ? Yan how will you help me go back ? first we have to think a way to send you back . Yeah ,you are right  .

Arrangements for your departure will have to be made soon. Your parents must be worrying for you. She gets sad. I don't have any of them , they are dead.  I am sorry . It's ok , because I never miss them .

My brother has taken care of me in such a way that I do not feel that I have no parents . You know , me and my brother were born together ,we are twice . But still he takes care of me a lot, he loves me a lot and also I love him a lot , For us we are each other's world .

he promise me that he will always protect me . But suddenly one day he disappeared . He not even a word said to me and go somewhere . I don't know where is right now , he is okay or not .  He did not call me even once.
miss him every day but I can't tell anyone .

Are you crying  ? No, I am not . Look at me . You said , your brother promise you that he will always protect you , so from now on as long as you are here . I will protect you this is my promise . God promise .

So from today onwards should I call you brother ? No there is no need of that  . So what should I call you ? you call me Yan  . It's sound goods from your mouth  . Okay , Prince Yan as you wish . She stand up . Let's go . where ? She hold his right hand . Come with me , and take him to the
library .

Why we are here  ? To find a way . Here  ? Yeah , let's do it .

She moves forward but he pulls her towards her by holding her right hand , both were just looking into each other's eyes without blinking their eyes. Due to being close to each other, both become nervous, and then go away from each other.

I... , I, I want to say that we will not get anything here so we should not waste our time here and go from here . we will  think something  another way . Let go . Okay , let's go . she start going to wrong side  . Erin  . Yeah . door is this side . Ohh , I forget see you later bye . And She run .

Why heart is beating so fast  ? She is dangerous girl . Her closeness make my heart beat fast .

Come out and look at her , she is running . He looks at her and smile .
She is dangerous but also cute .

She stop running and hide behind the 
wall and see  is he looking her or not .
He is not looking at me . If he has see me he has think I am stupid that why I am running . I also my mistake I should not have run like this . She tuch her Cheek . Why my cheek are getting hot  ? I should have wash my face with cold water  .

She come to her room and look front and shock .

See you soon  .

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