46 Who is he?

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Who is he? I don't know anything about him, I will get every information about him and tell you soon. Do quick. whon he is the one and why he is coming between us ?
Yan was talking with Shu . Have you
anything about him. No, after that day I still have not get any information about Prince Yu but I am still trying to figure out if get anything information about him I will immediately tell you. 'Ok, and one more thing is to not let her know anything about all this. I don't want her to get involved in this .

'Ok, But.

Say it.

I think she is also searching about him. When we are not over that time
she is searching about him, she had very information about him, why don't you ask her? I know about this, she has tell me about it already. You don't need to think about that now . 'Ok,. One more thing stop doubt on her and collecting inka about her. No, I have not done anything like that, I stopped doing that long ago, I know all this because you told me to keep an eyes on her for his safety. 'Ok, you can go.

'Yes, . Erin and her brother was in her room. Her brother was looking shocked. Now do you understand everything? Yes, but its hard to believe . Nothing, just hard. What I tell you it was true. I believe in you but. Then you help me right? Erin first listen what I want to say. She makes sad face and say . What you want to say now. Hey! You little don't make that sad face, how can I say it if you make sad face. Just say it. Ok, ok, I believe in you, you are sister and I know that you will never lie to me on such a topic.

So what you mean is you will help me
right ? Yes, I will help you. You are very stubborn. Its because I am your sister. But by the way ( she hug him) thank you so so much for get ready to help me . One minute what you said right now? Thank you. After coming over you have change, not just little but a lot, I can't believe it, he changed you. I am not understanding anything say it clearly. What I mean is he your boyfriend Yan xing he changed you a lot.

Your behavior, you, you are not same Erin I used to know you are different, a moment ago you just said thank you so so much, he teach you how to say thank you to your brother. Like this how many things he has teach you ? He has not teach me anything, I just said it because I just want to say. And I am change I am the same Erin you used to know, I am your sister with whom no one can dare to missed with. He smile, yeah, I know this Erin.

With full confidence and who is not afraid of anyone. While looking at each other's both smile. So, then when we are going to start. He thinks for a moment. Prince say something. Right now. We are going to start right now? Stop, first listen full sentence and then give reaction. 'Ok,. Right now, he stand up. Where are you going? Right now I am going for sleep. 'What, ? I am very sleepy right now and I just can't take it anymore I just want to ge some sleep. Are you serious ? Yes, of course, I am very sleep.

She yelled loudly. Prince . Immediately he put his right hand on her mouth and clover her mouth. What are you doing? Over no one knows that I your brother people with think something wrong . Don't yell. She slowly hits in his hand , and he takes of his hand from her mouth. Why did you yelled. Because I am also sleepy. Then sleep. 'Ok,. She started go towards her bed , but he by using his right hand hold her right hands arm. One minute, tonight I will sleep on the bed. No, I will sleep. Erin I am your big brother.

We don't have much age gap. We are twice. You can't do this with me. Yes, I can this is my room, if you want to then you can go and sleep with Yan . No, thanks. Then I am going to sleep. Stop, stop, stop let's do one thing . What? Lets play rock paper scissors if you win I will sleep in the bed and if you lose the I will sleep on the bed. Brother do you really think that I am a stupid. In both conditions I have to sleep on the ground. You are doing cheating now, I don't want to play I am going for sleep.

No, no one minute I will be serious now. Ok, then if you lose I will sleep on the ground and if you win you will sleep on the bed, it is ok now? Yes, its ok . How many times should I have to win. Three . 'ok, done . Both started to play rock paper scissors together. Both close their eyes. Rock paper scissors . Both open their eyes together. How can this possible my dear sister and while smiling he pulled her cheek with right hand. In the first round she was lost and he wad win .

Don't be very happy I still have two chance . You are right , you are going to lose again. Ok, one two three. Again both close their own eyes and said together : rock paper scissors, and then together open their own eyes. He smile . Why, why. Why this is happening with me ?, I have been never lose in rock paper scissors game but why this time. What's so wrong today? Why? Today is very bad luck. He was smiling . Brother stop smiling . Why should i ? I want to smile because you have never been lose in rock paper scissors game but today. He smile.

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