48 you are my life partner

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           Both comes near to her. Su get up, get up Su . I think she fainted down because of shock. Yeah, I think you are right but what will we do now ? Step out. He takes her in his arms and put her down on the bed. He sprinkles water on her face. Su regain conscious . Are you ok? How can be she ok, you told her big news. My lady. Yes, I am here . Are you ok?yes , but I have seen a dream that you said your brother had come here and he was standing front of me. Both look at each other's .

That's not dream. Um! Look at your left said . She looks he was sitting there . Is he really your brother? Yes, he is . Don't picnic . She ask her in a very low voice. Ok, but how did he came over. First you and now your brother , how? Su in voice . I can't hear your voice , let the voice came out of the throat . How did came over? I will tell you later, because I also don't know the answer of this question . Ok. But su don't tell anyone about him, no one means no one. 'Ok,.

She came to meet Yan from her he was standing on some distance, after seeing him she smile and run towards him and hug him , she hug him like this that make him go backward two steps. He hug her and said: After meeting your brother, you have forgotten me, and that too completely.
Don't say that. Why?, I will say. You have forgotten me,forgotten me, forgotten me. Stop. She hug him again, is this is okay . No. While hugging him she looks up to his face. Then what do you want ? He makes his left cheek front. You want slapped?

He hug her tightly. What are you doing? He was looking at her, she smile and by using her left hand he trun his face to right side and kiss on his cheek . He trun his face to left. No I won't . I have said sorry without any mistake but now you are going very far. Ask for inche and now taking mile. 'Please, . 'No,. Please, just ones. You are very bad ,and she kiss on his cheek, he again make his left cheek
front, she smile and kiss on his cheek , he also smile again kiss on his right cheek.

He makes his lips front. No,it's  enough now and she makes herself free and trun back and start going,using right hand he hold her right hand pulled her towards himself and stop her from leaving. I want to talk to you, come with me. Both are sitting on the stairs. Take it this. what is this? This is gift for my mother marriage anniversary ,I want you to give her . but why me ? because you are my life partner ,my lover and I want you to give her . okay, I will give. It's a beautiful gift.

She was looking at the gift, he looks at her. Erin . Hmm! Look at me. I am hearing, you say. He takes her right hand in his hand. Look at me. She look at him . He was looking in stress.
What happened, are you ok? Is there is any problem. Clam down, nothing is something like that. But you are looking very stress, tell me what is the mattermatter? Nothing is about to worry, I just want to say is . You stay with your brother, for some time don't come to meet me. But why, please tell me if there is anything matter .

I have told you, nothing is about to worry. Both have meet after a long time that's why I am saying that, you should have spend more time with brother. I know,but you are looking worried, there is something else, what is matter . Please Yan . Listen, I have meet my brother Yu I can't sya that we meet , I had catch him and I tell him everything but he don't believe on me. I had try very much but he don't trust on me. I know, I trust you. he gets emotional . Erin...  Erin I had never think anything bad about him.

I.. trust me I am telling you truth I have never think anything bad about him, then why don't he trust on me,why ? its ok ,everything will be all right, and I know you will never done anything bad with anyone problem, you are not that  kid of person who can do anything bad with anyone. I  am with you,and as long as I am with you,you will be never alone in any  situation. We are tgether and as long as we are together we can solve any problem .

Thank you so much for trusting on me. And he hug her. You are the best thing has ever happened in my life. For her heads back side he hold her head with his right hand and go near to her and kiss on her forehead. Can you promise me about one thing? Don't you dare to say something to like that i can't promise, and if you are going to say it then I am going. She stands up and about to go but he hold her right hand with his right hand, please stay with me and just for ones.

No, if you are going to say to stay out of the matter between you and him then I am sorry I am not going to do that, because you are involved in this matter it means it also have to do with me, I am not going to leave you alone, I will be with you no matter what happens. Ok, but please can you listen to me just for ones , please Erin.
'Ok, . Come sit her. She sit besides him he hold her left shoulder and make her close to his chest , he was hug her tightly.

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