62 You will come back to me

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        But she doesn't listen to him and go inside. He comes inside her house and turn on the light, in his all house have her photo's . He takes her a photo and said. Why did you always this with me, why? Why don't you listen what I said. I doubt like it when you get close to other man's . I don't when you look up them and smile. You are only mine, mine. You can't be anyone else, I won't let you become someone else. I love you very much. You should be great full that in your life have a man who loves you madly.

Did you hear what I said. You are mine and only mine, so leave him and come to me and if you don't do that then. Forget, I won't say that, I don't want you to get angry on me. But you have to leave him and come back to me, okay ? I love you. Lee was laying on the bed and call someone and ask. Have you done investigation on him.  ( Voice on the phone.) 'No, 'sir, I need more some time. Ok, do it quick. 'Ok, sir. He hang up the phone and put down on the table on his right sides .

He said. I have said a big thing to her but her reaction was so normal like I am tells her story and she is listening quietly. She doesn't even give any answer to me, nor the answer but her reaction the way she is looking at me.
How can be she such a clam person?
    In the office he ask her. Erin have you tell everyone to come ? Yes, I have tell him. Both comes and he says employees. I don't like to waste time so i will directly come to point .

   You all stop gossiping and  concentrate on work. From now on if anyone one of you again talked on a topic what is the relationship between me and assistant Erin then he or she will lose their jobs, this is not a warning I will do it if you don't stop
gossiping . It's disturbing her work and also me and I don't like all this, you came here to work not for understand what is going on someone's personal life. Did you understand what I said ? 'Yes, 'boss,. 'Good, don't let again like this came to hear me.

   Erin come with me . Both come inside his office and he go and sit on his cher and she was standing front of him.Why don't you tell me ? I am sorry. Why are you saying sorry now. No, I. Erin .'Yes, 'boss, . Did you remember what did I told you ? About what ?I had saint to you, if you have any problem, you should come to me and tell me I will help you. You don't need to worry all this alone I am with you, do you remember now.'Yes,'boss,. Then why don't you tell me?

I thought it's not big deal and I will handle by myself . "Really" ? Yes, I thought they will stop talking in some time. Ok, forget. Do you remember what I told you when I dropped you at your house? She remains calm. Okay, you can go now. After that they got busy in work. Day and night both work in office, he doesn't even eat his lunch, he come out of his office while taking file's in hands employees are with him to took his signed on the file's and he was signing on the file's and she was looking at him .

Both was going towards the elevator and in her hand have many file's he was reading the file one by one and throwing back to her and holding the file's in both hands she was catching the file's for catching file's in hands some time's she go right and some time's go to left. Both was in the elevator. Erin send this contract to our Spain clients. Ok, boss. He come out while walking he says. And one more thing, tell them the contract is not going to change, if they want to do  Corporation with us they have design this contract .

Ok, boss. and he throw file back she was going to catch but all the files in her hand falls down. He turned back. Erin . Sorry boss, actually it was a lot of files so it fell down. It's okay. She starts picking up the files and he also helps her. While picking up the files  he asked her. Are you ok ? Umm! In those days you are working with me day and night not even sleep so 'are you okay,? Yes, I am okay, and also this is my work and I love to work. I never feel tired doing what I love.

Both was in meeting , they was talking about their new project. A man said. For this project we want more people's. Another one says :yes, boss he is right. If we want to complete this project on time, we will have to hire more people, and for this we will have to take interviews. We need people who have something new. Ok, then you can started taking interviews . The meeting is over. He starts having stomach pain. Are you ok boss? Should we just go to hospital ? No, we don't need to go I will be ok after taking medicine.

But boss, you have been having this pain for many days and it is not right to have pain all the time. I am ok. Okay then, let me give me you a  a medicine. No, not now I will take
medicine later . No, you have to take right now, and then for a while take some rest. He was going to say something. And if you don't do as I say I will take you to the hospital right now, now you decide what to do. Ok, give me medicine. She brings  medicine .

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