Chapter 35

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*Karl pov*

"Cora, let go!" I demanded.

She currently had her teeth plunged into my hand.

"You're in preschool now. Biting is unacceptable." I stated, finally freeing my hand.

I had teeth marks in it.

"Biting wasn't acceptable in the first place." Sapnap stated.

"Okay, no shit." I replied.

"No shit!" Cora yelled.

Sapnap shot me a glare.

"Cora, that's a bad word. We don't say that." I told her.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's alright. Just don't say it again." I said.

*Sapnap pov*

Karl and I both didn't work today, so I took Cora to school. I got back home, and Karl wasn't in the kitchen anymore. I heard the soft sound of crying from the bathroom. I lightly knocked on the door.

"Honey? I'm coming in." I announced.

I opened the door. He was curled up on the floor with his legs pulled to his chest. His forehead was against his knees.

"It's not fair." He sobbed.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I sat on the floor next to him. I pulled him into my lap.

"I know it's not Karl. It was an absolutely horrible thing, and I'm so sorry." I told him.

He had found out he was pregnant again but miscarried 2 weeks ago. It was devastating for both of us, but far more painful for Karl. We hadn't told Cora he was pregnant, thank god.

"I wanna know what I did wrong." He sobbed.

I pulled him impossibly closer.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Karl. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's." I reminded him.

The whole experience was horribly traumatizing for him. He had woken up from nightmares and has had random outbursts and depressive episodes. It even went as far as self harming last week. It completely wrecked his mental state. All his progress was gone.

*Karl pov, 2 weeks ago*

I had just put Cora down for bed. I walked out of her room and into me and Sapnap's.

"What happened?" He asked quickly.

"What?" I replied.

He sat up.

"Karl, you're bleeding." He stated.

I looked down to see blood seeping through my sweatpants. I felt my heart drop, and my smile faded.

"We need to go to the ER." I said quickly.

He immidiantly got out of bed and ran to get Cora.

There's so much blood. Oh god. This can't be real.

Sapnap had the 5 year old in one arm. He carefully grabbed mine and led me through the house. We went outside and got into the car. He sped towards the hospital while I held his hand.

This can't be real.

We got there and quickly went inside. I went up to the front desk while Sapnap tried to distract the smaller girl.

"I'm pregnant and bleeding, like, a lot." I told her.

She immidiantly had a nurse come get me, and I was escorted up to a room. I was changed into a hospital gown, and the doctor came in. They began checking things out until the room went silent.

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