Chapter 22

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A/u: new tw for those who didn't see it.

*Sapnap pov*

I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was how much my neck hurt. I had fallen asleep sitting up. The second thing I noticed was the absence of the boy I had fallen asleep with. His phone was gone as well. I grabbed my phone and checked it. I had a missed call from him.

"The fuck." I mumbled.

I set my phone down and it immediantly began ringing again. I grabbed it once more and answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Sapnap." I heard a male say.

I quickly sat up.

"Cody!? Why the hell do you have Karl's phone?" I asked.

"Just shut up and listen." He demanded.

I stayed silent as he had asked.

"Karl is with me. He's uninjured, but it won't stay that way for long. Do not call the police and don't tell anyone. I will kill him if you choose to disobey." He explained.

I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared down at it in shock. The contact picture was of Karl smiling laying in my bed. I placed the phone back up to my ear.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I've had this planned out for a long time. You decided to get in the way so now I'm having some fun with it." He said adding a laugh to the end.

"Let me talk to him." I demanded.

"Oh Sapnap, I wouldn't be making demands right now if I were you." Cody told me.

"Please Cody. I just need to know he's okay." I begged.

I heard a sigh from the other side of the line.

"Fine." He mumbled.

I waited and heard a yelp.

"Don't say anything stupid." I heard Cody grumble.

I listened closely for the boy.

"Karl?" I asked.

"S-Sap?" He mumbled.

"Did he hurt you Karl?" I immediantly asked.


A loud slap and whine was heard from the other side.

"Karl!?" I exclaimed.

I got no response.

"KARL?" I yelled.

"Hes done talking." I heard Cody say.

"What the hell did you do to him?" I asked angrily.

"You better watch your fucking tone with me Sapnap." He said.

"Please just bring him back. I'll do anything Cody. Please." I begged.

The line was silent.

"I'll give you clues to where we are." He said.

"Okay okay. Can I have the first one?" I asked.

"Hmm. I'll think about it." He said.

"Please!" I exclaimed.

"Remember do not tell anyone about this." He said.

Then the line went dead. I threw it onto my bed as I let out a loud sob. I didn't care. Nobody was home anyways. I need to find Karl. I need to find him before something bad happens.

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