Chapter 8

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AU: there are a lot of POV changes so pay attention🔪🔪

*Sapnap pov*

Karl hesitantly grabbed his phone. I had plugged it in for him since it died when I picked him up. I watched him read the message. Fear grew on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"C-Cody- he's-"

Karl broke out into sobs.

"S-Sap I'm so s-scared." He cried.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me.

"Try to tell me what's going." I said quietly.

"H-He's c-coming." Karl sobbed.

"I won't let him in I promise. I'm going to keep you safe." I assured him.

This calmed him down a bit. Until loud knocking was heard on the door. He jumped in my arms and I tightened my grip on him. We then heard pounding on my window. He let out a yelp, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

"Be quiet and he will go away." I whispered.

I felt Karl nod, but I kept my hand over his mouth. He continued pounding on the window.

"LET ME IN." He yelled.

Karl's eyes were wide and he was gripping my hand tightly. He had tears streaming down his face. The pounding didn't stop.

*Karl pov*

I was so scared. Cody came here to hurt me again. He was banging on Sapnap's window. He definetly knew we were here. Sap removed his hand from my mouth and let me go. He got off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.

"I'm done with his bullshit." Sapnap muttered walking out of the room.

I got off the bed and followed after him.

"Sap please don't go. He's dangerous. Just come back to the room please." I begged.

"No. I'm not gonna let him scare you." Sapnap replied.

Sap began walking towards the front door.

*Sapnap pov*

"Please!" Karl exclaimed from behind me.

I turned to look at him. He had tears running down his face. He looked so pitiful.

"Don't go." He begged.

"I'm going. You stay inside." He demanded.

*Karl pov*

Before I could even process the conversation he was out the door. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I placed my hand on the knob. Did I really want to do this? Did I really want to risk getting hurt again?

"Shit." I muttered pulling away from the door.

What the fuck do I do?

*Sapnap pov*

I walked around to the side of the house. He was trying to see through my window blinds.

"Hey!" I shouted.

He whipped his head towards me. He frowned and crossed his arms.

"Where is he?" Cody asked.

"Hes not here." I replied.

"Fucking liar!" Cody exclaimed angrily.

Cody began walking towards me. I stood my ground. He wasn't going to get Karl. He shoved me.

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