Chapter 31

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Major time skip bc I feel like it.

*Sapnap pov*

"Happy birthday, baby." I mumbled, hugging the brunette against me.

We had both just woke up. I was currently spooning a half-naked Karl. He groaned.

"I already feel older." He muttered.

I laughed at this.

"Twenty-five already. I am fucking old." He stated.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Go back to sleep." He said.

"That's boring." I replied.

He sat up and stretched. I admired the beautiful man.

"Your surgery scars healed really well. You can't even tell." I commented.

He smiled and looked down at his chest. It wasn't a lie either. They were barely noticeable.

I've noticed a lot of things since his surgery. He literally refuses to wear a shirt, he's not depressed, and his self-harm stopped entirely.

Suddenly, he got out of bed and quickly left the room. I got out of bed and followed him. He was in the bathroom in front of the toilet, throwing up. I quickly sat next to him and ran my hand up and down his back.

"Jesus Karl." I mumbled.

He had just taken his T last night. He sometimes gets sick from it. I feel bad that he gets sick taking something he needs to feel complete.

He finally stopped throwing up. He leaned against me with a heavy sigh. I carefully brushed my fingers through his hair.

"Bro, it's literally my birthday. What the fuck." He muttered.

I smiled.

He's not feeling well, but he still cracks jokes.

I gently kissed the top of his head.

"I'm sorry you're sick, honey." I mumbled.

He shrugged. We stayed on the ground until his nausea subdued. I flushed the toilet while he brushed his teeth.

"I feel like shit." He muttered.

"Maybe because they upped your dosage?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"I hate when they do that." He stated.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it makes me horny as fuck." He replied laughing.

I laughed as well.

This was true. Whenever his dosage got upped, he would get really really horny for like 3 weeks straight. He was worried that it would weird me out, but it didn't. I always tried to help as best as I could.

"Maybe I should go to the doctor." He mumbled.

I carefully wrapped my arm around his waist.

"This just feels really wrong." He said.

I lightly kissed his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"We can call right now if you'd like." I told him.

He nodded. We left the bathroom and went back to our room. He grabbed his phone and opened it. He began calling his doctor.

*Karl pov*

"Hello Karl." He greeted.

"Hey, I've been really nauseous, and I just threw up. Usually, it wouldn't bother me, but I feel really off. Can I come in and check it out?" I asked.

You're Perfect. (Karlnap high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now