116- Yoojung and Kyubin's Date

Start from the beginning

"Yeah nope let's go I'm not ever going in there," Taeyeob started literally sprinting to the door so Kyubin followed.

"Bye!!"Kyubin shouted.


"I am so traumatized what the hell just happened,"Taeyeob said as he got into the car.

"Everything happened," Kyubin turned on the car and started backing up.

Taeyeob then turned on Fancy by Twice cause who wouldn't and started singing his heart out. Then I Loved You by Day6 came on and they both started screaming their hearts out.

Taeyeob started laughing,"I love you so much."

"I love you so much too," Kyubin smiled.

"I have a question"

"What is it?"

"Where are we going?"Taeyeob asked.

"I don't know. Where are we going?" Kyubin smirked,"I'm joking. You'll find out soon. We're almost there."


So Kyubin drove some more. And then all the sudden Begin my YooYeob came on and then Taeyeob started screaming his heart out and still sounded EXACTLY like YooYeob singing. Kyubin thought he could actually become a kpop idol.

"Ok, we're here," Kyubin parked the car and turned to Taeyeob and smiled.

"Oh my god... is that what I think it is in front of us right now?"

"Yes, it is"

Taeyeob literally hugged Kyubin as hard as humanly possible while repeating,"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuu."

What was in front of them was Taeyeob's favorite ramen place. It was kinda expensive and kinda far away so they never really went there but it was so worth it every time. It had been a while since Taeyeob had been there so he was so excited.

"Let's go in!!" Taeyeob literally scrambled to unbuckle his seatbelt because he was so excited.

"Ok ok," Kyubin smiled because he's never seen Taeyeob so unbelievably excited for a while.

After they both got out of the car, they met up on the sidewalk and Taeyeob got a brilliant idea!!!

"We should take a selfie and flex on them!!"

"Oh my god wait that's actually a good idea,"Kyubin took out his phone,"Gotta get the good angle with the sign."

They took some photos and even took some individual photos. They even got a random stranger to take a photo of them together.

"We're so posting these on insta!!" Taeyeob looked through all the photos,"Ok let's go inside!!"

Taeyeob literally ran in so of course Kyubin had to run in too. The inside was filled to the brim with people. But fortunately, there was one table at the back that could fit both of them.

They got the table and looked at the menu.

"Wait what the fuck my favorite isn't available right now," Taeyeob pouted.

"Then get my favorite," Kyubin pointed at the item on the menu,"This."

"Should we share?" Taeyeob suggested.

"Sure, why not. If we want more we can just order another one"



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