Smile, Eri! The School Festival Starts

Start from the beginning

(A/N: Once again, shout out to LRGriffin for the amazing art.)

"Snake-Man...?" Gentle questioned in confusion while his eyes were widened in shock at the boy's transformation into Fourth Gear Snake-Man.

"He looks so much different than the time he fought in that recording..." La Brava pointed out, noticing that Snake-Man was much more slimmer than Bounce-Man, which gave Izuku a large body.

The boy panted as while he may have been healed, there was some stamina taken from the effects of the Sea Prism Stone. "Hah... Hah... Your control of your Quirk sure is something... and with that new power boost your lover gave to you is another thing for me to be careful of... That's why I'll use..."

He compress his fist into his arm. "Something faster!!" Izuku fired his fist, and it was sent flying at Gentle at ridiculous speeds.

The man could barely react, and he was able to dodge it at the last moment, with the fist grazing the side of his cheek.

"That was close!" He said before seeing something coming at him. He turned to his right to see Izuku's fist before it punched across the face, knocked Gentle over to the ground.

"Gentle?!" La Brava shouted in fear.

"How was I hit? I dodged his attack for sure!" Gentle thought in confusion before he saw another punch coming for him, but he dodged it only to later get hit across the face again.

He saw another punch and dodging it, then turning around to see Izuku's fist was bending in order to gain another hit in.

"I see..." Gentle quickly moved his head, dodging the fist that passed by his chin. "He's bending his rubber arms to keep trying to attack me head on!"

"Chase him, Python!" Izuku shouted as his fist kept on bending and stretching, unlike the time he used it against Doflamingo and Overhaul's fused body, it gotten faster when it continued to stretch.

"It's getting faster..." Gentle muttered while putting up a barrier. "How is that possible?! And bending shouldn't be possible for rubber!"

"That's because it gets faster every time it stretches after it expands!" Izuku explained as his arm was now stretching and bending at ridiculous speeds, didn't help Gentle that One For All was added into the mix, increasing his fist's speed to the point where it was just bouncing around very fast that the man couldn't see where it was coming next.

"Gomu Gomu no... Jet... Culverin..." Izuku's fist stopped bouncing around and immediately headed straight for Gentle, who didn't look worried.

"There's no need for panic. My air membrane will just hold it back or repel his fist back."

However, he didn't count Izuku adding Ryou into his fist, which made him internally damaged the air membrane and punch Gentle across the face.


"Gah!" Gentle groaned in pain before being flung through the forest.

"No... Gentle! I'm sorry! My love... My love wasn't enough to help!" La Brava cried as she watched them fight.

"Not yet!" Izuku compressed his legs before blasting off after Gentle. "Gomu Gomu no... Black..."

"No one has proved that your love was not enough!" Gentle replied as he put up multiple air membranes to act as barrier while Izuku compressed both of his fists. "Mamba... Smash!!"

Izuku released his fists, which unleashed an all-out assault of fists at Gentle from all directions—Up, left, right. The barriers only held them back, but the forest was getting damaged by them. Ryou was used to push further and Gentle was hit with the barrage of punches.

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