Chapter 59: Trust me or run away

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Tonya POV

I minlinked my father instantly about the situation after watching Charlie's memories. Chandler found a clean blanket for me, and I wrapped it around my mate and then took him in my arms, holding his back with one hand and with my second under his legs.

Then I took him downstairs and into the living room where my father minlinked me. He secured Noah there. I enter the room and see my mate lying on the big sofa. Carson is tending to him, and my heart clenches. I feel tears streaming down my face as I come closer.

Noah is unconscious, lying on his stomach, wrapped in a blanket. His face is so swollen that it's difficult to recognize him. His arms are bruised and cut with claws, and that's all I can tell for a short glance. I'm sure there are many more wounds hidden under his cover. Sorrow and guilt, I feel, is impossible to describe. Strangely, there was no rage, and Silver lay curled in pain in my mind because I failed him. I let it happen; I came too late and wasn't with any of them when they needed me.

I feel Silver stronger, her and our hatred mixed together. They all should die, all of them. I close my eyes, trying to hold my wolf; she wants blood; she wants to kill everyone who did it to Noah and to all who only watched.

I set Charlie aside and kneel beside him, gently patting his hair. I feel Silver pushing forward to kill, rip into pieces, and make them pay...

"I gave him a sedative; he won't wake up for a while. He will be in a lot of pain, but there are no life-threatening wounds; he will get better. He was also..." Carson says, but I interrupt him.

"I know what they did to him," I say slowly, feeling my lungs slowly clenching. Silver is trying to force the shift, and I want to let her for a moment. I want to let her hurt everybody and take my mates home. My rage is growing, Silver is pushing stronger and... a soft touch on my face makes me stop. I glance at Charlie.


He is so tired, I feel it, and yet... our baby is not crying anymore, cradled to Charlie's chest.

I want to take them home; I just want it to be over; I just want to turn around and forget that something like that happened. I don't want to care about anything more than them.

My father, Chandler, and Kathy look at me, and I know what they think. They won't let me follow my rage and kill anybody, but they will not force me to help them. I am the Alpha now; I carry the responsibility and make decisions with the consequences of which many will have to live.

We could run away; we would be able to; we do not owe anything to the Shadow Pack; it's not our responsibility to save them. And yet, can I really turn around and leave as if it isn't my problem? Can I leave all omegas, women, elders, and children here at the mercy of Liam's creatures? Should I risk the lives of my wolves to save this pack?

I look into the corner of the room, where under the wall are five people, judging by the scent of weak wolves, probably servants. They are scared, it's obvious, but one of them is looking at Charlie very intensively.

"If you stop staring, go and bring my mate some clothes," I say, and she flinches but nods and walks out quickly.

"Have we caught any warriors in the packhouse?"

"Yes," Carson answers. "Around ten, they are in the next room guarded by one of our warrior's squad."

"OK, check on Charlie, please."

I nod to Chandler, and he walks with me, my father, and Kathy, still in their wolf form, to the next room.

There are around twenty warriors in their human form huddled on the floor, surrounded by my warriors, the Trio among them. And yet there is no will to fight in the faces of any prisoners; they all seem confused and frightened. And they have every right to be; once again, I feel my eyes shifting. Among them are those who tortured my mates; Silver is so close again; I take a big breath. I must maintain control, or the creatures won't be any problem.

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