Chapter 51: Future

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Noah POV


Yesterday was the longest and the most brutal conversation in my life, and yet, at some point, I realized it's been years since I was heard but also years since I listened to somebody else.

I got to tell how guilty I felt about everything that had happened. I got to apologize to Tonya one more time for lying to her.

I got to apologize to Charlie for every time I saw him hurt and not even trying to help, especially about Daniel's twenty birthday when he raped Charlie using the empty bottle of whisky. Silver was out hearing that; Tonya threw the armchair into the wall.

I got to say that Shane and Drew also didn't care about casualties; when you got attacked, it was up to you to get better. If you were in good relations with your direct supervisor or he was decent enough, you would get access to a doctor, but most of the warriors were left alone to heal by themselves.

Charlie cried when told us some things even I didn't know. Especially what Drew was doing with him or other Alphas. I had already known all the details with Daniel, mainly because Daniel was always very graphic when he was talking, and he talked a lot. Tonya destroyed the dining table and chairs, and later, we kept Charlie pressed between us for about an hour when he was crying; Linus and I felt better thanks to this contact.

I got to say that staying in the packhouse in Shadow Pack was the most incredible privilege; all my life, I was taught that an orphan like me could only achieve that much and nothing more. When I found him had been living in the packhouse for three years, and it was a decent room, clean bed, regular meals, and respect or fear from others, I was scared to lose it, so I rejected him.

I was begging him to forgive me for that, and he kept saying he had done it long ago.

Tonya told us how her uncle Hank had died, how she had murdered everyone in the packhouse, and how she felt numb when she finally realized that she had been standing in the pool of blood between dead bodies. At that particular moment, she felt no remorse; nightmares and shame caught her later. She felt like a monster and was scared of telling us that because she wasn't sure how we would think about it.

Charlie told her, and I agree with him, that monsters are only those who feel no remorse and keep hurting others.

Charlie said sorry to me, which made me frown. He said that despite his father's involvement in killing my parents or not, his father was the one who had helped Shane get his Alpha title. Charlie's mother often told him that it had been his father mostly managing the pack after Shane had got his title, that if it weren't for his father's hard work, Shane would not have gained the recognition from the Council and his claim to the ruler of the Shadow Pack would not have been granted. She always told him that the hunter's attack must have happened because of Shane's negligence, and he just needed someone to blame it for. Charlie said he didn't hold it against me that I hadn't helped him, that I was one of very few in the packhouse house who had never hurt him, and that was enough. He said that he was ashamed of being the whore.

Both Tonya and I said he was not, and we will repeat that to him long enough for him to believe that.

Tonya said she didn't care about us being rogues or having a bad past. The past didn't matter; we had a future ahead of us. We ended that topic with a very long making-up session in the bedroom; we slept cuddled into each other.

And now? Now I breathe hard, thrusting my hips and pushing my cock deeper into Charlie as Tonya and I are kissing like crazy. Charlie is sitting back to me on my lap, resting on my chest with Tonya on top of us, riding him and also me because each movement of her hips also causes the movement of Charlie's ass and gives me additional stimulation.

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