the party

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Josh's POV:
I really regret this already. Were meeting up with the rest of the group and then heading off to the guys house.
M:Yo there they are!
I glanced up and saw the rest of the boys.
We walked towards them and we all said hi.
E:Hey Josh wassup dawg!
J:Oh hey Eddie!
E:You ok? You seem quiet.
J:Yeah just don't like party's.
Gaege:you'll be fine Josh don't worry you have us to protect you. I'll bark at them.
The whole group looked at juicy and then looked at eachother and we all burst out laughing.
Gaege:I was joking!!
J:Sure you was gaege sure you was.
Grant:Guys shall we start walking now?
M:Wait Josh.
Mully came up to me and unbuttoned the two top buttons on my shirt.
M:That's better you don't look like a nerd that way.
He giggles but I smiled and brushed it off. We all started to walk to the party. I really don't cope well at these places, maybe I could just hide in a room or something. What am I thinking? As if there would be empty rooms. They'd all he full up with people fucking eachother, typical college parties.

Mullys POV:
We were almost at the party. Josh seemed off. He said he didn't like parties but I'll always be with him so he'll be fine. I won't let anyone touch him.

Eddie's a massive party person he gets on with everyone but doesn't like speaking to most.
Gaege and Eddie ran into the house and said hi to everyone. Gaege is also a massive party animal but honestly grant just chats people up. I'm chill I speak to some people and that's it maybe dance not a lot tho.

Josh's POV:
Grant:Guys I'm gonna go in ahead and find some cute girls.
Josh:Okay grant you do that man.
He smiled then also went inside leaving me and Mully standing with eachother.
Mully:You okay Josh?
Josh:Yeah I'm fine just don't like parties.
Mully:It's ok, I won't leave your side.
He put his hand on my shoulder to reassure me.
Mully:Come on Josh let's go!
Me and Mully went into the house after saying hi to the party host which im guessing is the one who just told us to come in.
Mully:His names Alex by the way
Josh:Oh ok.
I look around and the house was packed, every room was filled with people drinking, were way underage but then again who's stopping them?
Mully:Oh my god.
He pointed towards a corner that had some punch. That deffinalty has alcohol in it.
Mully:I'm gonna get us a drink!
He left me and went to the punch bowl.

Fell in love with the rich boy (Josh X Mully)Where stories live. Discover now