Sleepover part 3/spin the bottle

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Mullys POV:                                                    We played truth or dare for about another hour, it was fun, and the way Josh always smiled at me when it was mine or his turn made me love him so much more than I ever have, if I'm honest, I thought Josh would have been just another 'friend' but if I'm to be honest.... I need more, I want more!
Eddie:Hey Mully, this is getting a bit boring, and that lemon juice shot wasn't for me
Gaege:Oml i never knew you were a pussy cat Eddie. Juicy teased him
Eddie:Shut up dawgggg, spice is my speciality, not sour things like that jeez
Josh:Now now ladies, calm down!
Eddie:Josh man,  if that's a joke, your the first one to make it not a Mexican joke!your the first!
Josh:It's because I'm amazing!
Gaege:Wow, this is a new Josh!Your usually quite, what did the lemon juice do to you.
Josh:Nothing *He giggles* I just needed to get comfortable.
Sam:anyway, Mully can we do spin the bottle now?
Of course he had to ask, even tho he's not playing..
Sam:I wanna play now, you guys don't mind I hope, it'll just be a kiss on the cheek, well that's what I'm doing anyway! You guys can kiss on the lips...*mumbles*I have some ships in mind.:                                                    "what was that last bit you said?"
Sam:oh nothing...heh.
I could've sworn he said something!I keep thinking about joshys laugh, it's so cuteeeee!
Josh:Soooo where's the bottle?
"Oh right here"
I placed it in the middle of the circle we were forming,
"So...Who's spinning first?"
Josh:how about you spin first!
I spun the bottle really fast so it would  make them wonder who it is even longer 😂
Sam:Ooooo I bet it's gonna land on juicyyyyy!
The bottle then stopped.
"Come on sammm let's see who you have to kiss on the cheek!!!
Sam:awww man alright, I'll spin it.
Sam spun the bottle softly so it could be over and done with!
Sam:It's still goinggggg, and it landed onnnnn........EDDIE!!!!
Eddie:Wassup dawg ;)
Sam:yah nice try on the cheek it is bro.
Eddie:Yeah I have a crush anyway and it's not you fool!
Sam:Just come here bro!
Sam:*Says in his trap voice* That's it baby, pucker up~
Eddie:Bro don't put on the trap voice!
Eddie finnaly lent in for the kiss, he turnt his face sidewards so narrator could kiss him, as soon as Sam was about to kiss him, Eddie turnt his head so they were facing and narrator kissed his lips instead.

*Not ship btw it's just for a joke*

Sam:Yoooo, bro really, I can't believe I fell for that!
Eddie:it was funny, you should have seen your face!!!
Sam gave Eddie the look of death, Eddie just brushed it off and said to stop looking at him like that for a joke.
Sam:Imma spin to see who's next!
Narrator spun the bottle, he did it harshly this time, after like 2 minutes it started to stop.
Sam:Ooooo, Mully,nope,Josh,nope AYYYY GAEGE!
Gaege:Ooo who do I  have to kiss....
He spun the bottle and winked at Eddie, you could see he blushed a bit.
The bottle stopped and landed on...
Gaege:I guess it was meant to be ay Eddie~
Eddie:Fool you know what that does to me, were only freinds dude!
Gaege:Well, come closer and see how you feel then ;)
Eddie:*Blushes* fine....
Eddie went over to Gaege, he paused for a minute then they lent in, they kissed and did about 3 times.
Sam:OMG YASS QUEEN"sam squealed.
Eddie:I hate you Gaege...
Gaege:I hope that will change, your not a bad kisser either baby.
Eddie:Really bro T-T....
Gaege:yes really ;)
Sam:OML THAT WAS ADORABLE!!! He squealed again
Gaege:Told ya ;)
We played again, it landed on Sam but we said "EWWW CHEEK IT IS BRO"
We are really good freinds, we aren't like that.

Josh's POV:
Why hasn't nobody landed on me, I don't want Sam or Gaege landing on me not even Eddie!The one person I want is Mully, I want his lips on mine, I need it....
Mully then spun the bottle full pelt, it went on for 5 minutes I swear-
After a while it started to slow down.
Mully:Oooo who will it beeeeee......itssss......JOSH!!!
Oh fck, why did i wanna play this again? Oh right, because I want to land on Mully, my heart gets way to ahead for my brain to catch up-
"Finnaly!pass the bottle!"
Mully passed me the bottle, and then I spun it not so harshly so then it didn't take centuries!
Mully:who's the lucky guy, I do wonder;)
He winked at me again!He has to stop that!Nobody had seen it so it doesn't matter that much.
The bottle started to slow down after a minute.
Eddie:Oooo it's started to slow landed on ME!?
Eddie:Lips or cheek?
"I don't care if I'm honest.."
Eddie:Alright then, come here then newbie, lips it is!
I didn't think this would've felt good but you know what let's give it a go first!
Eddie:*whispers in my ear* I wanna make Gaege jealous to see his reaction don't worry bro, can we do a long one, just wanna make him jealous.
"*whispers in his ear back*Yeah Alright bro justets get on with it alright ;)"
I winked to make it look more realistic. I want to see how Mully reacts aswell to be honest but I  didn't tell him that, of course I didn't!
We both lent in for the "real" kiss, little did they know, Eddie held his thumb between our mouths, but it looked like he was holding my chin.
We did it for 12 seconds, I didn't breathe because I needed it to look realistic.
Eddie:*whispers I'm ear again* Thanks bro, I don't think Gaege would like that ;)*
He winked to make it look realistic again, I nodded to say your welcome.
I went back to my place and I look at Mullys, he looked.....fine. Gaege on the other hand, he didn't like that, I don't want him to kill me!!!

Mully's POV:
Contain the anger Mully, don't look like you care, it doesn't matter, just goes to show he doesn't like you at's all clear to me now, why did i even try....

Fell in love with the rich boy (Josh X Mully)Where stories live. Discover now