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*the doorbell rang*
Ames opened the door to let in and greet the boys.

Mullys POV
They all said hi to me and hugged eachother.

Josh's POV
I felt extremely awkward standing in the corner alone, but then I spotted Grant walking over to me.
Grant :Wassup Josh!
He then hugged me without hesitation, he isn't that bad at all!
"I'm great thanks!How are you bro?
Grant:I'm alright, i saw you over here alone, so I thought, 'we couldn't leave the newbie out!'
"Hah, thanks Grant!
Sam:Anytime, your apart of the family now dude.
Mully:So guys the plan is to play spin the bottle late at night, but there's a twist,if you don't want to kiss that person you take a sip of lemon juice, since, you know, not allowed to drink alchole, but now let's play truth or dare!
The boys all agreed and we then sat down, I sat across from Mullyon the floor, next to me I had Sam and Eddie, these two were nice, but so was Gaege!And of course the handsomeest of them all....drum roll please *pretend there is a drumroll*
MULLYYYY, I'm pretty sure it was obvious.
Mully:Okay, Josh truth or dare?
"Uhh IMMA play it safe,truth!"
Mully:Scared cat, but anyways, I know you have a crush but who is it?
"I don't wanna say, can I maybe take a shot of lemon juice!"
Sam:Oooo Josh has a crush, I bet I know who it is!
Mully:Sam, trust me you don't, here Josh.
He passed me the lemon juice and I thre my head back and drank it all in one go.
"Hooo, that was bloody sour, my Lord save me!"I pulled a sour face, my taste buds did not like that, I know that much.
"Okay, Eddie! Truth or dare?
Eddie:Alright dawg, I'll pick dare, if I made it to the USA alive and bravely, I can do a stupid dare!
"Hah, well I dare you to tell us if your dating anyone if so who, if your not then tell us your crush, if you have one!"
Eddie:Well, about that, yes I do have a girlfriend, but my father doesn't know that I don't like her, I'm not some straight ass guy, f that, my dad forced me, apparently I need to bigger up if I want a good life!
"Oh no, in so sorry!"
Eddie:It's alright, she has a girlfriend, were just pretending so our family is happy!
"That's actually good thinking!"
Eddie:Yeah I know right, anyway Gaege!Truth or dare fool?
Gaege:Dare brother!
Eddie:Alrighty, since were on a love topic!Who's your crush if you have one.
Gaege:Firstly I have a crush yes, secondly I'm not saying, but in also gay, and so are they!
Eddie:Maybe we should've named it 'the gay group'.
All of the boys laughed at Eddie's so called 'joke' it was pretty funny to be fair.
Gaege:Sooooo Sam, truth or dare?
Sam:Truth, y'all dares are bad so truth should be better.
Gaege:Hmm okay so, you're very  secretive about your personal life so.... What's your sexuality?
Sam:I'm insure if I'm honest, I'm not one for love, people are just scared of me for some reason.
Gaege:Hmm you seem like a relationshippy person.
Sam:nope i am not!so anyway Mully truth or dare?
Mully:Uhh dare duhh!
Sam: So we all know you have a crush, it's pretty obvious, but still the tea bro who is the lucky man!?!?
Mully:uhhh I'd rather not say...
When he said that he nervously looked at me as if he wanted me to back him up, I think that what it means,but he then looked away when he saw me looked at him back.
Sam:Hmm suspicioussssss, go on bro, drink the lemon juice.
Mully:I'm not good with sour things so I apologise if I make a really weird face.
They all laughed and he took the shot.
Mully:I- oml save me I can't--- I think IMMA explode!
We all laughed again as he pulled funny faces,  he's so cute when he's embarrassed, everytime he does things like that, I get even more desperate for his attention and love! I need to keep my emotions under control, I can't make our friendship weird....heh.

Fell in love with the rich boy (Josh X Mully)Where stories live. Discover now