Strange Traveller

Start from the beginning

"No one can apparate inside Hogwarts ground ".The boy looks at Harry in a way that makes him feel stupid. He feels like the boy is somewhere disappointed from his lack of basic knowledge

"Then How did you apparate?" asked Harry standing up.

"I didn't. " Replied the boy standing too ."It's... actually.....errr ...a little time traveling ".The boy added sheepishly, scratching back of his neck." But please don't tell mom . Please Dad .". Said the boy with pleading eyes while looking at Harry.

"Dad?Ron whispers to himself" Who are you?" Said Ron still gaping at the boy and Harry , noticing the Uncanny similarity between the two.

"James  Potter" Replied the boy looking at the Ron.

"James Potter " Harry murmurs not able to believe on his eyes ." You are my Dad?" He exclaimed .

"No .You are my Dad " Said James looking at Harry."I came to the past "

"You mean to say that you come from the past ".Said Harry .

"No .I come to my past and I come from your future. I am James Harry Potter... Your son." Said James forwarding his hand towards the Harry .

Harry looks at the little hand and then at the boy . He feels his head spinning at his word.

"Sorry .I shouldn't have to tell you " Said James lowering his hand ." It will effect the time equilibrium and future past balance .I have to be careful "He seems like talking more to himself than other too people present on the tower .

"I think We need Hermione "Both Harry and Ron speak simultaneously looking at the boy .The boy looks at them at their joint statement .He opens his mouth to speak something but closes it putting his both hand on his mouth.

"I should not speak" Said James shaking his head .

"I hope his mom is not Hagrid" Ron whispers to Harry before turning back to fetch Hermione, leaving Harry in bizzare state.


"He is  what!!!" Hermione forgets to walks for a second.. Ron found Hermione in the library (like always) ,with her head buried in the book. When he told her to come with him she was reluctant to leave her beloved book. However when he told her that Harry needs her ,it didn't take her even a second to close the book and sprint towards the astronomy tower .

"I don't know Why it is Harry's name that make you fast" Spoke Ron struggling to catch her pace.

"Because mostly deadly situation gets attracted toward him " Said Hermione without looking at Ron.

"This time it is not deadly but weird "  Said Ron .This made her slow however she didn't stop. Ron told her everything about the incident on the

"Harry's son" Ron answered and feels weird when after looking at him for some second with wide eyes , Hermione almost jumps in the air , smiling so brightly that happiness is radiating from her .

"Harry's son from the future" She looks at the Ron with excitement." I knew it .

"You knew that Harry's son is gonna come" Ron asked still feeling weird from Hermione's enthusiasm.

"No I ...." She stops abruptly as if she has realised that she is going to blurt out something that she shouldn't." Harry must be waiting for us". She speaks and walks so fast that Ron has to run behind her ..


"So You are my son "

Harry just looks at his girlfriend , still feeling wierd from the pronunciation of the word 'Son'

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