I began, "You won't believe what I've had to endure. In our family's basement, a place filled with fear and darkness. He was down there, devouring human flesh, and it wasn't the first time. The room was damp, filled with decay, and I couldn't even scream or cry. I felt helpless."

With a deep breath, I recounted the arrival of the girl, how she was bound to a chair, unconscious, and how my brother enjoyed her fear.I continued, "He went on to do unspeakable things to her, and I couldn't do anything to help. My hands were tied, and my eyes were blurred with tears."

Taehyung's face darkened with anger, "I'm so sorry you had to go through this, Y/N."

I went on, describing the gruesome details of how he offered me the heart. Their faces paled as I recounted the horrors, how he severed the veins, leaving the girl lifeless and the room drenched in blood.

As the conversation unfolded, I could see the disbelief in their eyes. I knew that by sharing this darkest chapter of my life, I had allowed them into the depths of my trauma, and I felt their love and understanding more than ever.

I began, "There was a time when I couldn't bear it any longer. The torment was too much, and I tried to escape from that hell."

I continued, my voice trembling, "I managed to escape, but my freedom came at a terrible cost. As I was fleeing, I tried to climb over the gates, and that's when I got these scars on my back." I told looking at jin oppa.

I went on, "But even in my escape, my brother found me again. I ran around the area of the  farmhouse in sheer desperation, but he managed to catch  me in front of the gates again. Without even trying he caught me again. "

As I shared these painful details, I felt the weight of my past lifting with the support of my family. I took a deep breath and began, "There was a moment when I couldn't bear the torment any longer. I managed to escape from that place, and it was a desperate bid for freedom."

I continued, my voice shaking with the memories, "In the midst of my escape, I somehow managed to call Jun, my best friend. It was a call I should have made long ago, but I was trapped in that nightmare."

As I recounted this, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Jun. He had been a steadfast friend, even during the darkest times of my life. His concern for me was unwavering, and he had tried desperately to reach out to me when I was lost to the world.

I told my family, "Jun was worried about me, deeply worried. He hadn't seen me since the kidnapping incident, and I had gone silent for a long time. I wasn't answering his calls or messages, and he knew something was terribly wrong."

I nodded and continued, "Jun understood the kind of person my brother was, and he feared the worst. He knew that my brother could be capable of unimaginable cruelty. Without even knowing the details, he understood that something was terribly wrong."

Jun's concern for me ran deep, and it was evident in the way he had tried to reach me during my darkest days. I explained, "Jun was in a dilemma when I finally managed to reach him. He didn't know whether to feel relieved that I was alive or guilty for not keeping me safe with him."

I clasped my hands and said, "Jun played a vital role in my escape, and his support meant the world to me. He was willing to risk everything to come to save me" I had a friend like Jun, who had been a true beacon of hope in my darkest hour.

And then, as the narrative unfolded, I shared the rest of the story with my family, my voice unwavering despite the haunting memories.

"Jun arrived with the police at the farm house," I continued, "but when he found me, I was unconscious, lying in the same basement where I had been held captive for days. My tormentor, my brother, was there as well. Jun didn't hesitate; he and the police officers tackled him down."

But then, I shared another revelation that left my family astonished. "As Jun and the police searched the house, they discovered another girl tied to a chair in a separate room. It was Lisa. She had been a victim of the same nightmare."

Taehyung and jin exchanged glances and Jin himself looked intrigued. "Lisa?" he inquired.

"Yes," I affirmed, "Jun saved her that day as well. We bonded over our shared trauma and the horrors we had endured. She became one of my closest friends."

My family listened with rapt attention as the story continued. "Over time, Jun and Lisa's friendship grew into something more profound. "

I smiled as I thought of them. "In each other, they found healing and love even in the darkest of circumstances. It was a silver lining in the midst of our shared horrors."

I felt a sense of duty to share the rest of the story. I took a deep breath and continued, "After Jun and the police saved me, they arrested my brother. However, things took a different turn when the doctors diagnosed him as mentally ill."

Taehyung, looked concerned but attentive. "Mentally ill?"

I nodded, my voice steady as I recounted the legal proceedings. "Yes, they decided not to put him behind bars and instead levied a significant fine on appa. He was admitted to a behavioral health center in Paju-si."

My father-in-law raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by this revelation. "I had no idea about any of this."

I offered a reassuring smile, understanding that much of this had been kept hidden for various reasons. "My father paid a substantial sum to keep the media from learning about the situation. So it's understandable that not many people knew about it."

I met everyone's gaze , my expression pained. "I was scared that if he escaped from the hospital, he might come after me. So, I asked my father to send him somewhere far away. He decided to send him to Germany."

Jin, my husband's older brother, furrowed his brow. "You mean, he's been in Germany all this time?"

I nodded. "Yes, he was there for two and a half years. But recently, he came back to Korea, and he's aware that I got married."

I hesitated, struggling to find the right words. "He claims he's changed, that he's not the same person he was before. But I can't help but feel a negative energy around him. It terrifies me."

My family members exchanged concerned glances. Uncle  leaned forward, his tone serious. "Y/N, your safety is our priority. We'll do whatever it takes to keep you and our family secure."

Taehyung nodded in agreement, his love and protectiveness evident in his eyes. "We'll handle this together, no matter what."As I looked around at my family and my husband, I felt a profound sense of relief.

As I shared the story of my brother's return, Jungkook,  leaned forward with a hard glint in his eyes. "If you want noona , I can take care of him right away. Just say the word."

Before I could respond, Yoongi, who had been silently listening, spoke up. "Do you guys think I haven't said it yet? She clearly said no," he said, his voice carrying the weight of knowing all the details before the others.

I appreciated both Jungkook's protective instincts and Yoongi's quick understanding. But I felt the need to explain my decision. I looked at Jungkook and said softly, "Thank you for offering, Jungkook, but I can't do that. He's my brother, and as much as he's done terrible things, I can't become like him. I don't want to be a predator, a monster."

My voice trembled as I continued, "I want to heal and move forward, leaving all that darkness behind. I don't want to let his actions define who I am."

Jungkook nodded, his expression softening, and Yoongi agreed with a knowing look. "She's right. Revenge won't change the past, and it won't make her feel any better," Hoseok oppa added, underlining my point.

Jin and Hoseok wrapped me in a warm group hug, the support and love from my family comforting me. I felt a sense of peace settling over me.

After this emotional conversation, we gathered around the table and shared a meal. It was as if the weight of my past had been shared, and my family continued to treat me with the same love and care as they always had.

I cherished these moments of normalcy, knowing that no matter what darkness I carried from my past, I had a family who would stand by my side, supporting my journey towards healing and recovery.

I do believe in your galaxy//KTH FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon