Finally Found

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Warning: This chapter involves an excessive use of strong language(No F bombs), abuse, and violence in case that bothers anyone.

" do?! W-When did you see her?"

"I remember seeing her two days ago. Yeah and she drove pass my house when I was on the porch, but when she saw somebody driving to were she was leaving she turned around. And after that I never saw that Peridot girl's car leave. The other person was heading that way." The old man said pointing.

" you know what the person looked like? O-or what their car looked like?"

"Well I couldn't see when they got out the car, but when they drove past my house they looked really buff and tall. Oh, they also had either gray or white hair it was difficult to tell since their windows were tinted. They drove an old beat up red chevy and the back bumper was hanging off. Needed a tune up real bad."

Lapis's heart sunk, she knew exactly who that person was. "Thanks, I appreciate it. H-have a nice evening." She said with a frown on her face.

"Good luck, dear." The old man said closing the door.

Later the group met back up. "Tomorrow the police will be called." Mrs. Jewels said.

"Wait, please let me look one more time tomorrow...please." Lapis begged.

Mrs. Jewels sighed in annoyance. She'd already had enough of Lapis from day one.  "You have until 8:00p.m. If I don't get the results I want, law enforcement will get involved. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am! thank you so much! I already have a good idea of who it might be." Lapis said. And as soon as she did Jasper was like a deer in headlights.


She skipped school. Who has time for school when there's no time to lose, she only had until 8:00. She started looking at 9:00 in the morning. "Ughhhh!!!"
She dreaded not having a car and every step she took. Her feet were sore, she was searching with no plan, and she was making no progress.

She passed a couple of stores, but in one of the abandoned ones she heard shuffling. It was probably a rat she assumed, or some other animal, but later instead of squeaks of a rat she heard huge footsteps thumping on the ground. She crept in the store that had a few boarded windows. It was dim if not completely dark. It had aisles with nothing on the shelves except for some canned foods, fridges in the back with some gross milk that could be mistaken for cheese inside. And it had wilderness moving in and creeping on the walls. "H-Hello? Is someone in there?" She asked a little scared. "Gah!" She shouted. A rat scurried over her feet, it made her shudder. She followed the shuffling until she saw a body. "Peridot?!?!" She shouted seeing her struggle.

Lapis tore the tape off her mouth enabling her to speak again. "Lapis behind you!!" She shouted.

Lapis didn't react quick enough and was trapped in a chokehold. "You crashed the party again, it was just getting good." She sighed in annoyance. "Guess you're getting tied up too." Malachite said listening to Lapis's struggles.

Lapis wasn't strong enough to pull Malachite's arms away. She lifted her leg and kicked her. It wasn't enough to free her so she started punching above her head hoping she'd land one on Malachite's face, which she did.

While Malachite was stunned that gave Lapis enough time to grab her head and slam it against the shelf. Malachite grabbed Lapis's hand to stop her from doing it a second time. She kicked her into the window causing it to shatter. They both then grabbed a piece of broken glass and Malachite just barely missed Lapis's face. The cut on her face and the cuts and bruises on her arms had her weak. They were inflamed with blood and pain, she winced at it all.

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