Voice in Your Head

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Lapis's blood went cold when she saw Peridot lifted off the ground.

They were big and bulky somewhat like Jasper. They looked a lot like her, they even had white hair. They might've been one of Jasper's family members or something. They wore ripped jeans and a jean jacket. They also had a devilish smile that paralyzed anyone at the sight of it.

'Why? Why's this happening? This is all my fault. I did this to her, it's my fault.' "Malachite." She mumbled to herself. Right before Malachite was going for another punch she was stopped by her name crying out. "Malachite!!"

Peridot was jacked up in the air coughing up blood. "Lapis? What are you doing here?"

"What do you know? If it isn't the good-for-nothing emotionless shell. Long time no see." Malachite said still holding Peridot.

'Why are you here?'
'No one needs you, you're useless.'
'You're just a good-for-nothing.'
'This is your fault.'

That same voice started whispering in her head that was already filled with jumbled thoughts.

"What's wrong, shocked to see me? Oh yeah, you've always kept your mouth shut." She said getting in Lapis's face. "I thought It'd drop in town to see my sis. This one here told me she was your girlfriend so why not introduce myself while I'm here, but she's got such a big mouth. What made you fall for a half pint like this anyway."

Lapis couldn't handle the state Peridot was in. She felt weak, like she'd collapse at any second. Her heart felt heavy, she was terrified. She couldn't breath, it was like fear itself was choking her. All she could do was tremble. 'Why's this happening?' "P-Please leave her alone." She peeped.

"Oh wow, I guess you're not so quiet like back then now that your friends and your tiny girlfriend are here. Why should I let her go? Remember the fun we used to have, doesn't this just take you back?"

Lapis remembered the main reason she became that shell filled with no emotion and started inflicting pain she thought she deserved on herself. It wasn't just because of her hurting people it was also because of the scars and bruises left on her mentally by that voice that's no longer just in her head, but now face to face with her and haunting her. "P-Please, Malachite. Let her go." She said a little louder but still trembling.

"Aw c'mon, Lapis. Don't ruin the fun, why don't you join us? I still owe you for what you did to my jaw and everything else you ruined, remember? Won't that be fun, Peri? " She asked with a devilish grin.

Peridot spat her direction. "Don't call me that. And you shut the hell up, don't touch her. They have a place for people like you. You can join them and burn in hell with them too!" Peridot yelled. She earned a blow to the gut. She screamed out in pain.

"That's how she got here in the first place, with that big mouth. Before you got here it was all 'Lapis this. Lapis that.' So this is because of you. Remember what I told you, Lapis? You bring nothing but pain when you're around. You're no more than a good-for-nothing..." Peridot took a blow. "And the both of you are weak!..." She took another. "Little!..." Another. "Cowards!" Peridot took a final blow. "Don't you forget it." Malachite pierced Lapis with that paralyzing smile.

"That's...not true. We'll always be...twice the person that...you'll ever be." Peridot said with the weak breaths she had left.

Lapis saw her only source of salvation, confidence, happiness, the only thing that kept her in one piece being beaten bloody. She felt like all of that happiness she's had was temporary, even fake. She hoped all her demons would go away without a trace. "I..." she trailed off.

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