HappyBirthday (Part 2)

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*Nextweek SecondPeriod*

"Remember the plan, Pearl?"

"Distract Peridot after school."

"Yes, and make sure you let Amethyst be in charge of lying since you're terrible at it."

"Ok ok, I get it. What do you plan on doing at her house the reason you have to be there before her?"

"As soon as she opens the door, I'll be playing the piano for her, and she'll love it. Tada!"

"hm. ok."


"Happy birthday, P-dot! We should hang out with the others somewhere."

"I have to be home for my parents, sorry."

"Please, just for a little bit. We can grab something to eat real quick."

"Ehh, I guess so."

"Oh, but Lapis won't be able to make it."

"Why not?"

"She told me she had to handle something at home, ya know."

"Oh, ok. So what time?"

"Right after school's good."



Lapis was very excited. "Lapis what's going on why can't you sit still?"

"Uhhh...no reason, I just can't wait to get home."

"What's going on there?"

"I have new furniture for my room, and I can't wait to decorate." 'Believe it, believe it!' "But don't worry I'm definitely gonna celebrate your birthday with you at your place." She said with a smile.

Peri smiled. "Can't wait."


"Ready to go, P-dot?"

"Yeah...where are we going again?"

"Let's go to the carnival for a little while." Pearl suggested.

Peri blushed a little, the carnival brought back core memories. "Yeah that sounds fun, but only for a little bit. My parents are waiting for me."

"Don't worry, dude. We're just gonna play a few games."


"This is gonna be the best surprise ever." Lapis said unlocking the front door.

She opened the door.




"Is it time to go?" Pearl asked exhausted from walking.

"Yeah, let's head back to your place, Peri." Amethyst said.

"Sounds good."

Message to Laz: We're on our way, is everything ready?

Message to Amethyst: Sure. Something like that.

*TimeSkip to Peri's*

Peri opened the door and saw her moms sitting on the couch listening to Lapis play the most beautiful song.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted.

"Happy birthday, dear!" Mrs. and Mrs. Jewels said together.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Peri said hugging her moms."

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